The Platypaws’ Summer Vacation event will be available in the game from August 3, 2022 and lasts for 2 weeks. The content provided is quite unique, players are asked to look for Platypaws’s Summer Vacation tickets so they can add jumps to the event board, each ticket will count as 1 jump.
When the player manages to finish to the finish, the player will be given various kinds of prizes, the total completion is 5x.
In this event, Netmarble also added a Tetro update for the boss field, you know, the Tetro template, summarized, also provides a special post, you know, check it out:
The first way to get tickets is to check in a kingdom, this can be done if you have joined a kingdom
Click the button in the top right corner.
Then click Community > Dominion.
Do check-in in the Kingdom base as usual. Doing check-in will be rewarded with 3 tickets.
Familiar Adventure
You can also get tickets by doing 3 activities at Familiar Adventure.
When you have completed 3x activities you will automatically get 3 event tickets.
To access Familiar Adventure, you can click on the 3 lines in the top right corner > Challenge > Adventure .
Power Up Dungeons
Completing the Power Up Dungeon is also one way to get tickets for this event, you know, completing everything automatically or manually doesn’t matter.
To access the Power Up Dungeon , click the 3 lines in the upper right corner of the screen > Challenge > Power Up .
This event also gives prizes when you complete the daily PVP in the duel yard, complete it 3 times and you will immediately get a ticket.
Completing 3x duels will get a prize of 3 tickets.
The last way to get tickets for the Platypaws’s Summer Vacation event is to access the shop and buy any item 10x, after shopping for any item 10x you will immediately receive 3 tickets.
My advice is to buy potions if there is no need to buy any items hehehe.
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