Getting to Know the Participant's Political Culture

Hello friends Summarized! Do you know what participant political culture is? Participant political culture is one type of political culture that exists in the world, including in Indonesia. Participant political culture is something that is seen by the presence of relatively high political awareness among the people.

People who have a participant political culture not only know about politics, but are also active in participating in the political process, both in selecting leaders, conveying aspirations, monitoring policies, and solving political problems.

Getting to Know the Participant’s Political Culture

Participant political culture is very important to support democracy and national development , because society can play a role as a government partner in determining the direction and goals of the country. However, it also has challenges and risks, such as being easily influenced by political issues that can divide the unity and integrity of the nation.

So, for more details, let’s look at the explanation of the meaning, characteristics and examples below!

Understanding of Participant’s Political Culture

Participant political culture is a principle that citizens are oriented to have political awareness . They must know that every citizen is part of the political process in government from the entire system to administration.

People with this political culture have a very high participation in politics , even in the smallest role. The characteristics of citizens with this politics are people who are active in the political life of the country.

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Communities can also reject or accept policies made by the government with clear reasons. However, this political culture has its drawbacks, namely it is easy to be directed to side with one side only.

Characteristics of Participant Political Culture

Based on sources that we have compiled from the internet, here are some general characteristics of participant political culture:

  • The people have very good political knowledge . This knowledge occurs as a result of technological advances that facilitate the dissemination of news and information. In addition, public education is sufficient to digest all available political information. Society has a fairly high openness and tolerance for new things that come in.
  • High political awareness in society can influence policy . The community will be more active so that they can influence the policies that will be issued. They also know how to channel true aspirations.
  • Active political control is carried out by the people because they have high political awareness, the people have political control . They will oversee the policies made by the government so that they can run as they should.
  • Citizens are sensitive to political issues . Another characteristic is that citizens also become very sensitive to the political problems that occur in their country. This sensitivity allows them to decide what action should be taken to address the problem.
  • Political issues can be assessed by citizens well. A political issue that has reached the people will lead to unexpected actions. This is a response given to problems in a country’s politics.
  • Society understands about good citizens . Almost all people understand the rights and obligations that must be carried out as a good citizen. The community knows the rights, obligations, functions and policies of the government in the ruling state institutions.
  • Society obeys the rules . People tend to comply with applicable regulations because they understand that regulations are made for the benefit of all levels of society.
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Sample case

To provide a more concrete picture of the participant’s political culture, here are some examples of cases that occurred in Indonesia:

Elections and Pilkada.

Getting to Know Participant's Political Culture 2

General elections (pemilu) and regional head elections (pilkada) are one of the most tangible forms of political participation in Indonesia. The public can use their voting rights to elect candidates for president, vice president, members of the legislature, governors, regents or mayors according to their preference. In addition, the public can also supervise the election and local elections so that they are honest, fair and democratic.

Demonstration Action.

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Demonstrations are one way for the people to convey their aspirations, criticisms or demands to the government regarding current political issues. Examples are demonstrations against the Job Creation Law, demanding law enforcement in corruption cases, or supporting agrarian reform.

Community Organization.

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Community organizations (ormas) are a forum for the public to participate in politics through social, educational, health, environmental or other activities. Ormas can become government partners in voicing community interests and providing solutions to existing problems. Examples are Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama, Kompasiana, Greenpeace, or Transparency International.

Social media.

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Social media is a means for the public to interact with fellow citizens and with the government regarding political issues. Social media can be used to spread information, opinions or facts about politics. Social media can also be used to rally support, solidarity or certain political movements. Examples are Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok.


Participant political culture is a political culture characterized by high political awareness and participation among the people. Participant political culture strongly supports democracy and national development, but it also has challenges and risks that must be watched out for.

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Participant political culture has several general characteristics, such as good political knowledge, influence over policies, active political control, sensitivity to political issues, understanding of good citizens, and adherence to rules.

Participant political culture can be seen from several examples of cases in Indonesia, such as elections and local elections, demonstrations, community organizations, and social media.

Thus our article on participant political culture. Hopefully this is useful and adds to your insight about politics in Indonesia. If you have questions or comments regarding this article, please write them in the comments column below. Thank You!

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