Welcome back! Have you ever seen a moth? Laron is an insect that usually appears during the rainy season. They fly out of their nests on the ground or wood to look for a mate. Larons have wings that can be removed after mating. You will often see moth wings scattered on the floor or near the lamp.
Talking about lights, do you know why moths like lights? Why do groups of moths crowd around burning lights at night? Do they like playing with light? Or is there another, more scientific reason?
Come on, let’s find out the answer together!
Laron and Light

There are several theories that try to explain this phenomenon. One of the most common theories is that moths use light to determine direction . Laron have eyes that are very sensitive to light, and they can use the moon and stars to navigate. While flying, the moth will maintain a light source at a constant angle to its eyes.
But the problem is that man-made lights are brighter and closer than the moon and stars. So, when moths see lights, they think it is a natural light source that can help them find their way. They flew towards the lights and tried to maintain the same angle. However, because the lights were in front of them, they ended up circling around the lights without stopping.

Another theory is that the moths huddle in the light of the lamp to warm themselves after leaving the damp nest. Lynn Kimsey, a professor of entomology (a science that specifically studies insects) at UC Davis, explained that the moth’s eyes have actually adapted to dim light. They are not attracted to bright light, but to the heat generated by the lamp. The heat makes them feel comfortable and active.
Larons and Termites

Did you know that moths are actually part of a termite colony? Yes, termites are insects that have existed since ancient times. Termites live in groups and have a strong social system. Termites are also known as animals that like to eat wood and other processed wood products.
Termites are divided into three main groups, namely underground termites, dry wood termites, and wet wood termites. Each group consists of worker, soldier and swarmer termites or reproductive termites. This swarmer is usually the larva and is responsible for breeding.
Moths and termites are two types of insects that are often found around our homes. Laron is the common name for insects which are the metamorphosis stage of termites. Termites are insects that live in colonies and eat wood or other organic materials. Laron and termites have several differences and similarities, including:
- Larons have wings that are bigger than their bodies, while termites have wings that are the same size as their bodies.
- Laron usually appear in the rainy season, especially after heavy rain. Termites can be found all year round, but are more active in the dry season.
- Larons don’t eat anything, because they only live to mate and lay eggs. Termites eat wood or other organic materials, such as paper, cardboard, or cloth.
- Larons do not harm humans, unless they enter our ears or nose. Termites can damage furniture or buildings made of wood, which can cause material loss.
Flywheels and termites are interesting insects to study, because they have unique life cycles and extraordinary adaptations. Even so, we also have to be careful not to be disturbed by their presence in our home.
Types of Larons and Termites
Black moth

This larva is black or dark brown, has long, transparent wings, and red eyes. Black flies like to fly at night and are attracted to light. They can bite humans or animals if they feel disturbed.
Yellow moth

This moth is yellow-brown in color, has short, feathered wings, and black eyes. Yellow flies like to fly during the day and are not attracted to light. They do not bite, but can cause skin allergies if they come into contact.
White fly

This larva is white or cream colored, has very short and thin wings, and invisible eyes. White larons cannot fly and only crawl on the ground. They are not dangerous, but can become food for other termites.
Subterranean termites (Subterranean)

These termites live in the ground and make large and complicated nests. Subterranean termites like to eat wood that is in contact with the ground, such as posts, floors, or furniture. Subterranean termites can spread quickly and are difficult to control.
Drywood termites (Drywood)

These termites live in dry wood that is not in contact with the ground, such as doors, windows or roofs. Drywood termites do not make large nests, but can make small holes in the surface of wood. Drywood termites can be identified by the sawdust they excrete.
Wetwood termites (Dampwood)

These termites live in wet wood that is exposed to water or high humidity, such as rotten, fallen or rotten wood. Wetwood termites are usually larger than other termites, and have a dark brown color. Wetwood termites rarely attack human structures.
Leaf termite (Nasute)

These termites live in dead or withered leaves, such as fallen leaves, compost or organic waste. Leaf termites have a strange head shape, which is like a funnel or proboscis. Leaf termites can spray a foul-smelling liquid to protect themselves from enemies.
These are several types of termites that you need to know. Hopefully this is useful and adds to your insight into the world of insects. Don’t forget to always keep your environment clean and healthy to avoid termite attacks!
Laron and its Benefits

Even though they are often considered annoying, it turns out moths also have benefits for humans and the environment. One of its benefits is as food for other animals. Many animals like to eat moths, such as birds, lizards, frogs, fish, chickens, ducks and even cats.
Apart from that, moths can also be used as food for humans. In some small regions in Indonesia, such as Java, Sulawesi and Papua, laron is considered a delicious and nutritious food. Laron can be fried, boiled, or made into chili sauce. Laron contains high levels of protein, fat and carbohydrates. Laron can also be used as animal feed or organic fertilizer.
Laron Interesting Facts

Laron are insects that live in the soil and turn into termites after undergoing metamorphosis. Larons usually appear during the rainy season and fly in groups looking for a mate. There are several interesting facts about laron that you may not know, namely:
- Laron has wings that are longer than its body, so it can fly far and high. The moth’s wings also easily come off and fall off, because they are only used to find a mate once in their life.
- Larons are the favorite food of several animals, such as birds, lizards, frogs and bats. In fact, humans can also eat laron, because it contains high protein. Laron can be fried, boiled, or made into chili sauce.
- Laron has a sophisticated navigation system, which uses moonlight and stars to direct its flight. Larons can also avoid predators by releasing unpleasant-smelling chemicals from their bodies.
- Larons have an important role in the ecosystem cycle, namely as decomposers of organic matter in the soil. Laron also helps fertilize the soil with its nutrient-rich droppings.
So, that’s an explanation of why moths like light, facts and other benefits about moths. Hopefully this article is useful and adds to your insight. Don’t forget to always keep your house and environment clean to avoid pests and termites. See you in the next article!
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