Anime fans are definitely familiar with the term cosplay . Yes, performing arts that imitate fictional characters from manga, anime, films or video games are in great demand because of their uniqueness. Someone who carries out cosplay activities is called a cosu or cosplayer. In fact, currently there are many cosu professionals who are content creators or even judges and perhaps some of them are familiar to you, such as Stella Chu, Karina Coser or Punipun. This cosplay activity even has a community and has become an annual event in various countries where it is competed. What do you think is the reason why cosplay is so popular? Curious? Come on, let’s discuss it thoroughly!
The Origin of Cosplay
Have you ever wondered, how long has this cosplay event actually been around, where was it formed and who is the originator?
Cosplay , which in Japanese is written asコスプレ( kosupure ) is a loan word from English which is shortened from ” costume play” . As the name suggests, cosplay is an activity of “costume play”. A cosu or cosplayer will wear the exact same clothing and attributes as the character they choose, starting from hair, costume, make up and even imitating their poses, dialogue and speaking style.
Even though cosplay is synonymous with Japanese culture, it turns out that this activity first appeared in the United States. Initially in the 1960s, science fiction film exhibitions were being widely discussed and held. Because cultural displays in America are already familiar, film exhibitors who attended also wore masks and costumes like characters in science fiction films such as Star Trek and Star Wars .
In Japan itself, the first costume show was held in 1978 at Ashinoko at the 7th Nihon SF Taikai Science Fiction Film Exhibition. A film critic named Mari Kotani wore the costume of the manga character Triton of The Sea by Osamu Tezuka. Since then, cosplay has become increasingly popular in Japan. The term cosplay itself was officially introduced in 1984 by Takahashi Nobuyuki at the Masquerade event in Los Angeles.
This event itself has been around in Indonesia since 2000, when the University of Indonesia held an event with the theme “UI Japanese Degree” which at that time was still not very popular. As time goes by, many Japanese pop works such as manga and anime have been created and the rise of cosplay culture in Japan has made this cosplay event quite popular in Indonesia. Even in Jakarta, cosplay events are held annually at the Jakarta Comic-con and GJUI events .
Reasons Cosplay is Popular
Cosplay is very popular and is in the world’s spotlight. This event is very famous among young people from various countries, including Indonesia. Actually, what makes this cosplay event so popular?
Form of Cultural Celebration
There are times when cosplay is held as a form of cultural celebration such as a festival or Japanese cultural exhibition. The more fans of Japanese pop such as anime and manga, the more cosplayers who attend to enliven the festival atmosphere. The detailed anime images and visuals created by a cosplayer are certainly pleasing to the eye and very entertaining, right?
Promotional Event
With this cosplay event , we can explore various kinds of fictional characters such as anime or games that we may not have known about before. This makes cosplay quite effective as a promotional medium for an anime or game creator company. Some cosplayers also become brand ambassadors for certain brands, you know!
Apart from being a promotional event, some cosplayers use this opportunity as a way to earn income. Professional cosplayers usually have their own labels which are in the form of trinkets and can apparently be sold. Even some professional cosplayers have special fandoms and tour agendas for fan meetings, you know! It’s extraordinary, yes.
Training Creativity
The details of fictional characters in a work of art apparently do not prevent cosplayers from being creative in making attributes or props that are similar to the real characters. Starting from styling the wig as closely as possible with all the details of the hair strands, costumes that are designed as closely as possible, designing small accessories such as hangers, chains, glasses and scarves attached to the costumes, even the weapons owned by fictional characters are also made as similar as possible to various the kinds of materials available.
Even though it takes a long time to make, these cosplayers enjoy their hobby by creating freely and creatively. The following are examples of the creative attributes of cosplayers :
The cosplayers’ weapons turned out to be made from kraft paper which is usually used as cardboard boxes.
Cosplayer costumes are very easy to make because they are made from EVA foam.
Wing attributes with real feathers need to be made painstakingly because installing them takes a long time.
Seeing 2D Idols in Real Human Form
Who doesn’t like it when our favorite fictional characters appear in human form? Even though it is not 100% similar to the original, to be as similar as possible to the fictional character certainly requires effort that is not easy. A cosplayer will try to understand the character by imitating their poses, speaking style, even dialogue and accent. Moreover, some cosplayers are even willing to go on a diet or build muscle in order to be as similar as possible to the character they choose, you know!
There is a Community
Most cosplayers have communities that are formed because of similar hobbies. Being in the same social circle with the same hobbies, interests and topics can be a way to make new friends and channel your social spirit. Usually, one particular community will attend the event simultaneously. In fact, it is not uncommon for them to open booths to sell trinkets themed around fictional characters.
Cosplay activities are very interesting and entertaining from several aspects. However, it is possible that there are also those who don’t like it. It’s natural for this to happen. How about you? Do you have a favorite cosplayer or do you even want to try becoming a cosplayer ?