Collection of Tetro/Tetris Ni no Kuni Puzzle Templates!

Jahahaha again Ni no Kuni , this time I will share Ni no Kuni Tetris Puzzle or Ni no Kuni Tetris templates for those of you who are confused about how to do it guys! You don’t need to be long x tall x wide, just go easy!

Collection of Tetro Event Templates


Pickaxe tetro is one of the newest tetro puzzles, above is an example of the easiest template, but uses 4 T pieces.

Retro Ghosts

Brand new retro ghost template, easy to replicate as no T piece needed!


This helicopter-shaped Tetro is just a 3 T piece and tadaaa, voila!


For Tetro camels, you can use the example I gave above, you don’t need a T piece at all, you know.


Squirel is a squirrel-themed tetro, here it’s quite easy to finish it, it only takes a lot of Z pieces and 2 T pieces!

Aquarius’s Castle

Aquarius’s Castle Tetro puzzle example, you need at least 3 T pieces to follow the template above.


Pumpkin Tetro event 2022 template example.

Witch’s Hat

Above is an example of a puzzle to complete the Witch’s Hat tetro

Dusk Genie

tetro ni no kuni
Dusk Genie is a puzzle available after the genie attack event update, above is an example of the easiest template because it only requires 1 piece T.

Servant’s Lamp Puzzle Event

Event Servant’s Lamp puzzle tetro.

Collection of Tetro Field Boss Templates


Stella needs at least 2 T pieces to complete.


The easiest Tetro puzzle Giganti example because it only uses 3 T pieces.


Tetro Silverbeard, each piece is obtained when fighting the boss in question, the template above is the easiest template, because it only requires 2 pieces T.


For now the Vulcan tetro puzzle cannot be completed, a calculation error occurred on Netrmable’s side and this has been confirmed by them.
“An issue where the Vulcan Tetro Puzzle is not possible to be completed.” This means that the tetro puzzle cannot be solved until the wrong calculation problem is fixed by the developer. New update:
This is an overview of the easiest template, 4 T pieces is the bare minimum to complete a Vulcan tetro.
This can also be used as a reference.

Collection of Normal Tetro Templates


For the first, namely Chick, the arrangement is like that and the stats you get are also good enough for 4 pieces of Tetris, in the chick puzzle you can only put purple and orange pieces. In my opinion Chick is quite difficult to complete, considering he needs 3 piece “T”.


For chickens, I use an arrangement like this, the stats I get are quite large and the pieces used can only be orange and purple.


The third is Doberman, this is a puzzle arrangement which in my opinion is quite simple and does not require a “T” piece. The Doberman can only be filled with orange and purple.


Penguins can use purple and orange colors, the arrangement is as shown above, the CP obtained is not much different from the Doberman.


With a fairly complex template, ghost needs at least 2 “T”s to work easily. Ghost uses orange and purple to equip.


The CP you get from Melon is not much different from Ghost, and Melon is a puzzle that requires the most “T” pieces, usually those that require “T” pieces are difficult, guys. Melon only uses orange piece only.


Cactus is also quite difficult, because he needs 4 pieces of “T”, plus he only accepts orange or type puzzles.


This is an example of the Natrum puzzle arrangement, the Natrum puzzle only accepts green pieces. Natrum is difficult, guys, because we are only given the opportunity once a day to get each piece.

Proto Mark 13

Just like Natrum, pieces from Proto Mark 13 can only be obtained from the dimensional border, so it takes a long time to complete, unless you are very lucky and get all the pieces perfectly that’s a different story! If the question arises, then where are the others? The answer is, I haven’t opened Xixixi’s Puzzle yet. But okay, I’ll try to help with illustrations!


Crab is a puzzle that will be unlocked at level 80, it takes quite a long time to get there, but I’m sure when we get to level 80 then all the pieces needed will already be owned :D.


Deer books are obtained from completing specialties in Winter Wonderland and require 16 stars to claim them.


Elephant is quite interesting, because it can really put a lot of boxes in hahaha, because in my case the puzzle pieces keep getting boxed all the time, so it’s suitable for use in this one puzzle.


Cross books can be unlocked when you have finished completing specialties in the Burning Desert map and require 25 stars.


Face requires a soulstone in the Glittering Grotto map and requires 20 stars, one of the most difficult puzzles to assemble in my opinion.


Volcanord is a retro puzzle originating from Fiery Mt. Know-How, well, like all dimensional border type puzzles, this kind of puzzle takes time to complete.

Pierced Heart

Pierced heart ni no kuni
Pierced Heart requires a lot of T pieces and Z pieces, that’s what makes this tetro puzzle quite difficult to solve.


House tetro ni no kuni
For House you can use the combination above, the pieces needed are various and minimal T pieces which means it makes it easier for us to finish them.


This Kettle Tetro template 1 requires at least 2 T piece.

Where do you get the Tetris Ni no Kuni puzzle piece from?

    • Complete Dimensional Border daily.
    • Complete the Labyrinth of Dreams.
    • Do Main Quests .
    • Complete Record Soulstones and Specialties .
    • Field Boss .


That was it, guys, if there’s anything else, you can try commenting below and I’ll help! If you are having trouble increasing CP, you can try reading
Baca Juga  Tips Penting Menaikkan CP Ni no Kuni
Or struggling with Hector?
Baca Juga  Tips Mengalahkan Hector Ni No Kuni : CrossWorlds
That’s all from me about Puzzle tetro tetris Ni no Kuni: Crossworlds, hope it helps!
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Yoshua Marchiano
Yoshua Marchiano
2 years ago

Maaf bang izin nanya, untuk Ryzen 3 1200 kuat kah main game ini?

2 years ago

[…] Saya juga menulis tentang puzzle tetro di event saat ini lho! Cek postingan berikut Puzzle Tetro Ni no Kuni. […]