Again, Ni no Kuni, aren’t you bored, bro? I’m not bored yet bro TT, instead of that, it’s better if we share a quick way to raise CP Ni no Kuni, OK? The key to raising Ni no Kuni’s CP in summary is:
- Equipment Levels & Enhancements
- Familiar Upgrade and Awaken
- Records
- World Bosses and Field Bosses
- Puzzles
- Gems
- title
- Mounts
- Costumes
- Higgledies
- Kingdom Upgrade
For important details, you can read further below!
Records consist of 4 parts, namely Achievement , Codex , Collection and Record . Why are Records important? the problem is that only from Records can you add a really big CP, bro, readers.
So if the codex is more towards collections, guys, so the items that you get here first will enter the codex. (I think it’s not important)
Is the collection important or not? IMPORTANT The collection here is related to the codex but the difference is that the collection records everything up to the upgrade. IMPORTANT TIPS, don’t use your weapons/armor/accessories to upgrade to a higher level weapon.
Now, this is the easiest part to do in my opinion, because you don’t really rely on probability, guys. You can get Soulstones and Specialties from grinding the monsters you need and later there will be a drop in the form of a soulstone, but remember to drop soulstones there is a drop chance, don’t always kill 1 then get 1, to overcome this you use what is called Aroma of Focus which looks like like the picture below: The function of Aroma of Focus is to increase the number of dropped Soulstones and Specialties. IMPORTANT TIPS, use this item when you want to finish collecting soulstones, bro, readers, because getting this item is a pain. Vistas and Chests are the easiest to find, guys, but some do require that your character level meets a minimum level. You can see the complete locations of Vistas and Chests in this playlist link VISTAS AND CHEST LOCATION .
World Boss & Field Boss
WB and FB are usually terms that are often used by players to abbreviate the words World Boss and Field Boss. That’s also important, guys, apart from dropping good accessories, you can also get red medals for exchange at the Medals Shop. You can see the contents of the medals shop where the red medal token section is really good, anyway, it’s really worth it to work on and this is also an important step to increase your CP. FAQ: But it’s useless if field boss doesn’t get top ranking??? IT’S FREE, we still get medals and materials for crafting the boss accessories, so take advantage of changing channels so you can have more boss opponents! Pro Tips: Login at 4 am WIB to fight the Field Boss, at that time you can fight a lot of guys really.
Solve Puzzles
This is also an important step bro, solve the puzzle if you can, imagine just 1 puzzle giving you at least 3500+ CP, this is my picture of a total CP of around 16k+ just from the xixixi puzzle. But isn’t it difficult to get the puzzle piece? any suggestions? THERE IS THERE, NOT DIRINGKAS.COM IF THERE IS NO PREN!
- The first is from the dimensional Border, just work here, you’re free to choose Natrum or Frozen Lab, it’s up to you, later there will be a chance to get the pieces, guys.
- Second, you can get it from the Labyrinth of Dream, here you can get lots of pieces if you can finish the dungeon, bro readers.
- Third, you can get it from the Traveling Merchant, but here you pay 100 diamonds, make sure to buy pieces that are really hard to get or are needed, to find a traveling merchant I usually use the “Goto Traveling Merchant” feature which can be found when clicking on Pages in inventory, for example like this:
- The four of them get from the main Quest or Main Story, slowly but surely they will be given pieces for puzzles, some even get to choose the pieces you know!
Plug in gems in all of your equipment, guys, and don’t forget to level up so you can upgrade as much as possible! quite a lot, you know, the total CP Ni no Kuni from there.
The final word
That’s all the things that can increase Ni no Kuni’s CP rapidly, atleast what I wrote in detail is something you might not have thought of, so for the rest you might already know or if you don’t know, you can comment below and I’ll answer :D. Oh yes bro readers, maybe you want to sell asterrite or territe and you don’t know how, you can read my other posts on Selling Territe and Selling Asterrite to IDR.
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I like to Staying up-to-date with the latest tech advancements, playing video games, discovering new games, and writing about them.
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