What are the principles of developing sustainable tourism activities?

Hello friends Summarized! Do you like traveling? If so, surely you know that tourism is one of the important sectors for the economy and development of a country. However, tourism can also have negative impacts on the environment and society if not managed properly. Therefore, the development of tourism activities must be carried out with sustainable principles. Sustainable tourism is tourism that pays attention to environmental, social and economic values in a balanced way. Sustainable tourism also considers the interests of future generations to be able to enjoy the same tourism potential. According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), sustainable tourism is tourism that pays attention to:
    • environmental protection
    • Meeting the social and economic needs of local communities
    • A quality tourism experience for tourists
In this article, we will discuss the principles of developing sustainable tourism activities in Indonesia. We will see what are the principles that need to be considered in planning and managing tourism activities in order to achieve sustainable tourism goals.

Principles of Tourism Activity Development

The principles of developing tourism activities are the basis for planning and managing tourism activities. The principles of developing tourism activities that need to be considered are as follows:

1. Community Participation

Community participation is very important in the development of tourism activities. By involving the community in the development of tourism activities, the community will feel ownership and responsibility for these tourism activities. According to the Directorate General of Tourism of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf), community participation in developing tourism activities can be done by:
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    • Involve the community in planning and decision making
    • Increasing community participation in the management of tourism activities
    • Promoting community participation in environmental preservation and local culture
Community participation can also improve the quality of tourism activities and provide broader economic benefits to the local community.

2. Environmental Conservation

Environmental conservation is an important principle in the development of sustainable tourism activities. Tourism activities must be carried out with due regard to the environment so as not to damage the environment and the natural surroundings. According to the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, environmental conservation can be done by:
    • Reducing the excessive use of natural resources
    • Avoid air, water, soil and noise pollution
    • Protect flora and fauna in tourist sites
    • Maintain the authenticity and beauty of nature
Environmental conservation can also maintain tourist attraction and increase tourist awareness of the importance of protecting the environment.

3. Community Welfare

Community welfare is also an important principle in the development of tourism activities. Tourism activities must provide economic, social and cultural benefits to local communities. According to the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, community welfare can be achieved by:
    • Increase the income and employment of local communities
    • Improving the quality of life and health of local communities
    • Improving education and skills of local communities
    • Increase the pride and identity of the local community
Community welfare can also increase community support and cooperation in the development of tourism activities.

4. Quality Tourism Experience

Quality tourism experience is an important principle in the development of tourism activities. Tourism activities must provide a pleasant, meaningful and memorable experience for tourists. According to the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, a quality tourism experience can be achieved by:
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    • Providing adequate and professional facilities and services
    • Provide accurate and complete information about tourist sites
    • Providing activities according to the interests and needs of tourists
    • Provide opportunities to interact with local people and culture
A quality tourism experience can also increase tourist satisfaction and loyalty and enhance the positive image of tourist sites.

Examples of Cases for the Development of Sustainable Tourism Activities

One example of a case for the development of sustainable tourism activities in Indonesia is the Nglanggeran Tourism Village in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Nglanggeran Tourism Village is a village located at the foot of the Nglanggeran Ancient Volcano, a mountain shaped like a pyramid that has beautiful natural scenery. Nglanggeran Tourism Village has various tourism potentials, such as:
    • Nature tourism, such as climbing the Nglanggeran Ancient Volcano, enjoying the view of the Nglanggeran Embung, playing in the water on the Oya River, and seeing the sunrise or sunset from Gedhe Hill
    • Cultural tourism, such as attending traditional ceremonies, watching art performances, and learning to make handicrafts from natural materials
    • Educational tours, such as learning about the history and geology of the Nglanggeran Ancient Volcano, learning about organic farming, and learning about renewable energy
Nglanggeran Tourism Village also applies the principles of developing sustainable tourism activities, namely:
    • Community participation, by involving the community in the planning, management and marketing of tourism villages
    • Environmental conservation, by preserving nature around the tourist village and reducing plastic waste
    • Community welfare, by increasing the income and welfare of the community through tourism businesses
    • Quality tourism experience, by providing adequate and friendly facilities and services for tourists
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Nglanggeran Tourism Village has received various awards, such as:
    • The Best Tourism Village in DIY in 2015
    • The Best Tourism Village in Indonesia in 2016
    • Worldwide Sustainable Tourism Villages in 2018
Nglanggeran Tourism Village is an inspiring example for the development of sustainable tourism activities in Indonesia. Thank you for reading up to here! Hope the above information helps ^^
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