Guidance and Counseling, What are the Differences and What Are the Examples?

Hello friends Summarized! Have you ever heard of the terms guidance and counseling? Maybe you often think these two things are the same, even though there are actually quite significant differences between the two. So what are the differences between guidance and counseling? And what are examples of its application in everyday life? Come on, see the following reviews!

Guidance and Counseling, What are the Differences and What Are the Examples?

Definition of Guidance and Counseling

Guidance and Counseling, What are the Differences and What are the Examples 2
Before we discuss the differences between guidance and counseling, it’s a good idea to get to know the meaning of each of these terms in advance. Guidance is the process of providing assistance by experts to individuals in need, both children, youth and adults. Guidance usually focuses on educational or career-related issues, such as helping students choose a major, determine interests and talents, or find the right job. Counseling is a professional relationship between a trained counselor and a client who needs help with personal or socio-psychological problems. Counseling is usually done in face-to-face meetings that are confidential and empathetic. Counseling aims to help clients change behaviors or attitudes that are not in accordance with social norms.

Difference Guidance and Counseling

From the understanding above, we can see several differences between guidance and counseling, namely:
Guidance Counseling
More to do with the provision of information and data collection More to do with in-depth analysis of a problem
More emphasis on the function of prevention More emphasis on the function of healing or repair
Can be done with any help Requires specific disciplines and recommendations from helpers
Aimed at individuals and groups Intended for individuals only

Guidance and Counseling Case Examples

To clarify the difference between guidance and counseling, here are examples of cases you can encounter in everyday life.
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Examples of Guidance Cases

Rani is a 12th grade high school student who will soon face a national exam and college entrance selection. He felt confused about having to choose a major according to his interests and talents. He also wasn’t sure if he could pass the test with good grades. To help Rani, the counseling teacher at her school provides guidance in the form of interest and aptitude tests, national exam simulations, as well as information about various universities and majors in Indonesia. The guidance counselor also provided motivation and advice to Rani so that she could study more effectively and confidently.

Counseling Case Examples

Rudi is a 10th grade high school student who often skips school for no apparent reason. He also often gets into fights with students from other schools. His parents and teachers have often rebuked and punished him, but there has been no significant change. To help Rudi, the counseling teacher at his school asked him to do regular counseling. In counseling, the counseling teacher tries to find out what is behind Rudi’s behavior, how Rudi feels and thinks, and what Rudi expects from himself and his environment. The counseling teacher also helps Rudi to find the right solution to overcome his problems and develop his potential.


From the above review, we can conclude that guidance and counseling are two different things, even though both of them aim to help individuals in dealing with various situations or problems. Guidance is more related to educational or career aspects, while counseling is more related to personal or socio-psychological aspects. Guidance and counseling also has different methods, goals, and implementation.
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Thus the article about the differences in guidance and counseling that we can convey. Hopefully this article is useful and adds to your insight into the world of counseling guidance. If you have questions or comments regarding this article, please write them in the comments column below. Thanks for reading!
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