Dealing with Angry Friends

Maybe you’re feeling down because you’re dealing with a friend who likes to get angry? Here I will share how to respond to friends who are always angry.

Recognize the Cause of Anger

Recognizing the cause of your friend’s anger is quite important, because by knowing the cause you can clarify or try to calm him down with something relevant. Common causes of anger are feeling belittled, hurt, frustrated, helpless, permission to pick up dad even though he’s still playing and giving evidence, backseating friends 24/7, and despair.

Steps to do when a friend is angry

  • Stay calm , you may also feel uncomfortable with such a situation, but try to stay calm because fire against fire won’t put anything out.
  • Give them time , expressing anger also includes burning their energy, give them time to stay calm and think, one way to give them time to think is to be silent, if you keep talking it won’t go away, you will get angry hihi.
  • Keeping your distance from him , keeping your distance from people who are angry is important, especially when their anger is at an unreasonable level. If you feel that he is too angry, then it’s better to avoid him first, wait for his anger to subside.
  • Help solve the problem that triggers his anger , when the situation has subsided it’s good for you to help him solve the problem immediately so it doesn’t drag on too late..
  • Invite him to people who are more skilled , for example, take him to the doctor or at least persuade him to try consulting at Halodoc.

Then what if the person has gone too far to the point of being abusive?

  • Don’t fight when people are angry and aggressive , wait until the situation subsides first.
  • Use the 2nd plan, namely calling the authorities , use this method when he is really angry causing you to have the potential for violence that endangers you and those around you.

What if they don’t feel that what they are doing is wrong?

dealing with angry friends Maybe after identifying the problem that is happening he still doesn’t feel or doesn’t know what is making them angry, so it’s really unclear, it’s a good idea to support him so he wants to go to the doctor for help. It’s normal for everyday people to feel frustrated, stressed, and weak which can lead to this. But remember that each person has their own limits, there are people who are insulted by their parents and they immediately get angry, there are those who are only said to be a little angry, but there are also those who are the type of person who even says everything and everything, even if you are tired, how can people not get angry.


Dealing with angry friends drains our energy, but it would be nice for us to maintain the positive energy we have so that our angry friends are also affected by positive energy. Sometimes people get angry just because they are tired and they need to be listened to, it’s the same as venting, try to give advice and be accompanied by jokes, for example, “Anger makes you get old fast, you know!” ha ha. I hope my post helps those of you who are dealing with angry friends!

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Faishal Arsal
Faishal Arsal
2 years ago

mantap teman

2 years ago

hmmm (merasa tersindir tersundur)

Muhammad Bariq
Muhammad Bariq
2 years ago

Sangat Membantu

Yoshua Marchiano
Yoshua Marchiano
2 years ago

Setuju sama Faishal