Discord Releases Soundboard, Cool Feature For Fun

Discord, a popular chat and voice communication app for gamers, has released a new feature called Soundboard . This feature allows users to react with sound when they join a Soundboard enabled server. Soundboards are rolling out slowly, but are expected to start from around April 6th. The nice thing about this Soundboard is that users can upload their own sound to the Soundboard tab and edit the entry and exit points of the sound. Users can also customize sound names and set associated emojis for the Soundboard menu. Also, users can adjust the volume, and if it’s too loud, they can turn it down a bit.

Discord Soundboard Slot Limitations

A server without a boost can have 12 Soundboard slots, while a Tier 1 server can have 24 slots, a Tier 2 can have 35 slots, and a Tier 3 can have 48 Soundboard slots.

How to use Soundboard

    1. Enter the voice channel.
    2. While in the voice channel, click the soundboard button.
    3. After that, the Soundboard UI will appear, where you can add sound as you like.
    4. Click the desired sound to output the sound from the Soundboard.
Step 2.
Step 3.

How to add Soundboard sound to Server

How to add Soundboard sound to Server
To add Soundboard sound to server, Admin can go to Server Settings then click Soundboard. Limits of files that can be uploaded:
    1. The file must be of type or extension MP3.
    2. The maximum file size is 512KB.
    3. Maximum file length is 5 seconds.
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There are also limitations for ordinary members so they cannot add voices as they please, this can be done by:
    1. Go to Server Settings > Roles.
    2. Select the desired role to limit.
    3. In the Permissions tab, look for Manage Expressions.
    4. Activate to allow uploading/adding votes, turn off to prohibit/restrict the role from adding votes.

Why is there no soundboard on my server?

New soundboard released so not all servers have it, currently this feature is slowly becoming available on various servers. Servers that have members under 50 people are said by several sources to already have this feature. For larger servers please be patient, maybe in the next few days/weeks all servers will have it!

How do I mute the Soundboard?

Users who don’t want to use the soundboard feature can set the soundboard volume to zero in their Discord settings. This feature is even better for Discord Nitro users, as they can play sound from different servers. However, this feature can be disabled by going into the server settings and disabling sound effects for everyone or external sound.
Discord has given users control over this feature, so they can prevent trolls from using it. The server guide is another new feature that shows users what is going on with the server. This feature highlights some important information and can be accessed by going to the server home, which I will cover later (if I have time). In conclusion, Discord’s new Soundboard feature is a great addition for users who like to add funny and silly sounds to their servers. Users can customize and control Soundboard settings, and Discord has given users control over the feature to prevent trolls from using it. The server guide is also a useful new feature that helps users understand what’s happening on the server. Overall, Discord is constantly innovating and providing new features that make the app even more enjoyable for users.
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I hope this helps!
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