Why is Singapore Called a Developed Country?

Singapore is one of the smallest countries in the world, but also one of the most developed and modern. Singapore has a high per capita income, good quality of life, developed infrastructure, and an excellent education system. Singapore is also known as a financial, trade and tourism center in Southeast Asia. So, what has enabled Singapore to achieve this extraordinary progress?

One factor that plays a role is Singapore's history. Singapore was once a British colony and then joined Malaysia before becoming independent in 1965. This has had diverse cultural, political and economic influences on Singapore. Singapore also faces challenges such as a lack of natural resources, ethnic conflicts, and security threats from neighboring countries. However, Singapore was able to overcome this challenge with strong vision and leadership from its leaders, especially Lee Kuan Yew, who is considered the father of the Singaporean nation.

How Singapore Overcomes Various Challenges

Singapore is a small country that does not have abundant natural resources. However, this country has succeeded in becoming one of the developed countries in the world by overcoming various challenges. Here are some ways Singapore is making progress:

Building an open and export-oriented economy

Singapore takes advantage of its position as a strategic port to establish trade relations with many countries. Singapore also attracts foreign investment by providing fiscal incentives, quality infrastructure, and a skilled and productive workforce.

Improving the quality of education and human resources

Singapore allocates a large budget for the education sector, both formal and informal. Singapore also encourages lifelong learning and competency development that is relevant to market needs. Singapore also adopts a meritocracy system which provides equal opportunities for all citizens to excel.

Creating good and clean governance

Singapore has an efficient, transparent and accountable government. Singapore also eradicates corruption with strict laws and firm enforcement. Singapore also respects human rights and maintains social stability by prioritizing diversity and harmony between groups.

Manage the environment and resources sustainably

Singapore has proactive policies to protect the environment and save resources. Singapore also develops green technology and innovation to improve people's welfare. Singapore also participates in international cooperation to address global issues such as climate change and health.

Smart Policy

Singapore is one of the developed countries in Asia that has smart policies in various fields, such as education, health, economy, environment and technology. Here are some examples of smart policies implemented by Singapore:


Singapore has a high-quality and competitive education system, which emphasizes mastery of science, mathematics and English. Singapore also provides opportunities for talented students to develop their potential through special programs, such as gifted schools, arts schools, and sports schools. Apart from that, Singapore also encourages lifelong education by providing various courses and scholarships for citizens who want to improve their skills and knowledge.


Singapore has an efficient and affordable health system, which combines the roles of government, private sector and society. Singapore implements mandatory health insurance schemes for all citizens, called Medisave, Medishield, and Medifund. Singapore also has modern and quality health facilities, such as hospitals, clinics and research centers. Singapore also invests in health prevention and promotion by promoting healthy lifestyles, such as exercising, not smoking and eating nutritious food.


Singapore has a dynamic and export-oriented economy, supported by the industrial, service and financial sectors. Singapore also has a conducive investment climate by providing fiscal incentives, light regulations, protection of intellectual property rights, and adequate infrastructure. Singapore is also open to international trade by establishing trade relations with various countries and economic blocs. Singapore is also trying to increase competitiveness and innovation by developing strategic sectors, such as biotechnology, information technology and renewable energy.


Singapore has a strict and comprehensive environmental policy, which aims to maintain the quality of air, water, land and biodiversity. Singapore implements high motor vehicle emissions standards, imposes pollution taxes on polluting industries, builds sophisticated waste and garbage processing facilities, and protects green spaces and wildlife habitats. Singapore is also committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by increasing energy efficiency, using clean and renewable energy sources, and participating in international cooperation.


Singapore has a progressive and visionary technology policy, which aims to improve the welfare and productivity of citizens. Singapore utilizes information and communications technology to provide public services that are fast and easily accessible via the internet or mobile phones. Singapore also encourages the development of advanced technology in the fields of transportation, defense, aerospace, robotics, nanotechnology and artificial intelligence. Singapore also supports scientific research and technological development through large budget allocations and collaboration with world universities and research institutions.

In short, Singapore is a clear example that size isn't everything. With determination, hard work and wisdom, Singapore has succeeded in becoming a developed and modern country that is respected in the world. Singapore also shows that progress does not have to come at the expense of identity and diversity. Singapore is a multicultural, multiracial and multireligious country, which lives in harmony and tolerance. Singapore is a country that we should emulate.

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