Why was the PKI banned in Indonesia?

The Indonesian Communist Party or abbreviated PKI is a political party that was founded in 1920 and had a fairly strong mass base at that time. However, in 1965, the Indonesian government banned the existence of the PKI because it was accused of being the mastermind behind the G30S/PKI incident which resulted in the downfall of President Soekarno. This article will discuss why the PKI was banned in Indonesia.

What is Communism?

Communism is a political and social ideology which emphasizes the elimination of private ownership of economic resources and the regulation of the economy through common ownership. This ideology emerged in the 19th century as a form of criticism of the capitalism that was developing at that time. Ideally, the communist system aspires to create a just and equal society without social class and exploitation. In this system, all resources and production results are collectively controlled by society, not only by individuals or small groups that have economic power. Historically, communism was practiced in several countries, such as the Soviet Union, China, Vietnam and Cuba. However, in practice, many countries that try to implement this system experience difficulties and criticism, such as a lack of freedom of expression and political movement, as well as high poverty rates. Communism’s system is often criticized by its critics as unrealistic and unable to accommodate individual needs and desires. However, many parties still maintain the communist system as an ideal that can be used as a reference in creating a more just and equitable society.

History of the PKI in Indonesia

The Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) was founded in 1920 as part of the communist international movement spearheaded by the Soviet Union. PKI was originally founded with the aim of fighting Dutch colonialism and fighting for people’s rights. During the initial period, the PKI developed quite rapidly and gained support from workers, peasants and young intellectuals. During Indonesia’s independence, the PKI became one of the political parties that had great influence in Indonesia. The PKI tried to build relations with the Sukarno government and fight for the interests of the communists in Indonesia. However, relations between the PKI and Soekarno’s government deteriorated after the Madiun incident in 1948. These events occurred after the PKI attempted to launch an uprising against the Indonesian government and military, which were backed by the United States. After the Madiun incident, the PKI was declared a party that violated the law and was disbanded by the Indonesian government. However, the PKI managed to revive itself in the 1950s and gain support from young people who felt marginalized by the Indonesian government. In the 1960s, the PKI became the third largest political party in Indonesia after the PNI and NU.

G30S/PKI incident

The G30S/PKI incident occurred on September 30, 1965 and is considered an event that rocked Indonesia. This incident involved several members of the military who were known to have links with the PKI and resulted in the deaths of six generals and several other military officers. This incident sparked a movement that resulted in the downfall of President Sukarno and the seizure of power by General Suharto.

Accused of being the Mastermind

After the G30S/PKI incident, the PKI was accused of being the mastermind behind the incident. This accusation was based on several pieces of evidence, such as letters allegedly from the PKI and testimonies from several people who were known to have links with the PKI. However, until now, there is no strong and convincing evidence to show that the PKI was really involved in the incident.

Anti-Communist Movement

After the fall of President Soekarno and the rise of General Suharto to power, Indonesia underwent major changes. One such change was the emergence of an anti-communist movement led by the government and military. This movement resulted in the mass killing of people suspected of being associated with the PKI or having communist views.

Government policy towards the PKI

After the G30S/PKI incident, the Indonesian government officially banned the existence of the PKI and declared the party an organization that was against Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. In addition, the government also banned activities related to the PKI and arrested thousands of people suspected of being associated with the PKI.

Relations between Sukarno and the PKI

Why was the PKI banned in Indonesia
The relationship between Soekarno and the PKI can be said to be quite complex and difficult to generalize. Soekarno was known as a nationalist who fought for Indonesian independence from Dutch colonial rule. However, Soekarno was also known as someone who had pro-communist views and often supported communist movements in Indonesia. In the early days of Indonesian independence, Soekarno saw the PKI as a natural ally in the struggle against Dutch colonialism. The PKI at that time also supported nationalist ideology and was involved in people’s movements fighting for Indonesian independence. Soekarno also provided support to the PKI and placed several PKI figures in the Indonesian government cabinet. However, Sukarno’s relationship with the PKI began to deteriorate in the late 1950s. At that time, the PKI began to show signs that they wanted to take power in Indonesia through unconstitutional means. The PKI was also involved in various radical movements that threatened national security, such as the Madiun uprising in 1948 and the assassination attempt on a number of generals in 1965. In the end, the relationship between Soekarno and the PKI became strained due to the G30S/PKI incident in 1965. The PKI was accused of being the mastermind behind this incident and the Indonesian government saw the PKI as a threat to national security. After this incident, Sukarno lost his power and was replaced by General Suharto. After that, the PKI was declared a political party that violated the law and was dissolved by the Indonesian government.

Some countries are implementing communism

Some countries that have officially implemented the communism system include:
    1. Soviet Union: The Soviet Union was the first country to adopt the communism system. After the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, the Bolsheviks or the Russian Communist Party ruled Russia in an authoritarian way. Then, in 1922, the Soviet Union was founded and the communism system began officially.
    2. China: China is a country that has the largest population in the world and was once the largest communist country in the world. After the Chinese Communist Party’s victory in the Chinese civil war in 1949, China became a communist country and implemented a state-controlled economic system until 1978.
    3. Cuba: Cuba is a country in Central America known for the revolution led by Fidel Castro in 1959. After successfully seizing power from the dictator Batista, Fidel Castro established a socialist state and implemented a system of communism in Cuba.
    4. Vietnam: Vietnam is a country that was ruled by the communist movement during the Vietnam War. After the victory of the communist movement, Vietnam was established as a socialist country in 1976 and has implemented a system of communism to this day.
Apart from these four countries, several other countries such as North Korea, Laos, and Democratic Kampuchea (now called Cambodia) have also tried to implement a communism system officially. However, each country experiences various problems and criticisms in implementing this system. Several countries such as Poland, Romania, and Czechoslovakia also had communist governments, but then changed to democratic governments.


The PKI was banned in Indonesia because it was accused of being the mastermind behind the G30S/PKI incident which resulted in the downfall of President Soekarno. After that, the PKI was considered a threat to national security and was banned by the Indonesian government. Even though there is no strong evidence to show that the PKI was really involved in the G30S/PKI incident, its existence is still considered a threat to national security. In conclusion, the PKI was banned in Indonesia because it was accused of being the mastermind behind the G30S/PKI incident which resulted in the downfall of President Soekarno and was considered a threat to national security. Even though the PKI was outlawed, communist views still existed and persist in Indonesia.
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