Aceh is one of the provinces in Indonesia which has the nickname Veranda of Mecca. What does this nickname mean and what is its history? This article will explain several reasons why Aceh received this nickname.

Aceh is a province at the northern tip of the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. Aceh has a long and rich history, as one of the centers for the spread of Islam in Southeast Asia, and as an area that once fought against Dutch and Japanese colonialism. Aceh is also known as an area that experienced a devastating natural disaster in 2004, namely an earthquake and tsunami which killed hundreds of thousands of people. Even though it faces various challenges, Aceh still has unique culture, nature and society that are interesting to know.

Aceh has various tribes, languages and customs that vary in each region. Some well-known tribes are Aceh, Gayo, Alas, Tamiang, and Simeulue. The official language used in Aceh is Indonesian, but regional languages such as Acehnese, Gayo, Alas, and others are also still maintained. Aceh also has Islamic sharia law that applies to Muslims there, which regulates various aspects of life such as clothing, marriage, gambling and drinking.

Aceh has many interesting tourist attractions, both natural and cultural. Some examples of natural tourist attractions are Lhoknga beach, Weh island, Laut Tawar lake, Mount Leuser, and Ulu Masen national park. Some examples of cultural tourist attractions are the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, the Aceh tsunami museum, the tomb of Sultan Iskandar Muda, and the Aceh house. Apart from that, Aceh is also famous for its culinary specialties such as Acehnese noodles, savory rice, cooked satay, Acehnese coffee and dodol.
Aceh area

Aceh is the westernmost province in Indonesia which has an area of around 57,956 km2. This area is equivalent to 3.1% of the entire area of Indonesia or 8.9% of the area of Sumatra Island. Aceh is divided into 18 districts and 5 cities, with the provincial capital in Banda Aceh. Aceh has a coastline of 1,600 km and borders the Indian Ocean to the west, the Strait of Malacca to the north, the Bay of Bengal to the east, and North Sumatra Province to the southeast. Aceh also has several small islands located off its coast, such as Weh Island, Banyak Island, Simeulue Island, and Rondo Island. Aceh has a diverse topography, ranging from lowlands, mountains, to highlands. Aceh also has abundant natural wealth, such as petroleum, natural gas, gold, silver, tin, coal and wood. Aceh is also known as an area that has high biodiversity, both flora and fauna.
The Reason Why Aceh Gets the Nickname Veranda of Mecca
Aceh is the gateway to Islam in Indonesia.

According to history, Islam first entered Indonesia through Aceh in the first Hijriah century or 7th AD. Traders and scholars from Arabia, Persia, India and China came to Aceh to trade and spread Islam. They founded mosques, Islamic boarding schools and Islamic kingdoms in Aceh. One of the largest Islamic kingdoms in Aceh was the Samudera Pasai Kingdom which was founded in 1267.
Aceh is the center of Islamic science and culture.

Aceh has many well-known ulama figures in the Islamic world, such as Hamzah Fansuri, Syamsuddin al-Sumatrani, Nuruddin ar-Raniri, and Abdurrauf as-Singkili. They wrote many scientific and literary works discussing aqidah, fiqh, Sufism, tafsir, hadith, history, language and culture. Aceh also has many beautiful and magnificent historical mosques, such as the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, Samudera Pasai Grand Mosque, Indrapuri Grand Mosque, and Banda Aceh Grand Mosque.
Aceh is a religious area.

The people of Aceh are known as a society that implements Islamic law well. They apply Islamic laws in daily life, such as the five daily prayers, fasting in Ramadan, zakat, hajj, and so on. They also respect local customs and culture which are in accordance with Islamic teachings. They have unique and interesting traditions, such as saman, rapai geleng, didong, pho, and others.
Aceh received the nickname Veranda of Mecca because it has many similarities with the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Some of these similarities include:

- Aceh was the first place to accept Islam in Indonesia, around the 7th century AD. This is similar to Mecca which is the center of the spread of Islam in the world.
- Aceh has many historic and magnificent mosques which are centers of worship and social activities for the community. One of the famous mosques is the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque which was built in the 19th century. This mosque has beautiful architecture and resembles the Grand Mosque in Mecca.
- Aceh has a strong and conservative religious tradition, such as implementing Islamic law in laws and ways of life. Aceh is also known as a region that upholds Islamic values, such as tolerance, solidarity and social care.
- Aceh has close ties to Mecca, both historically and contemporary. Many Acehnese scholars and figures had studied or lived in Mecca, such as Teungku Chik di Tiro, Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh, and Cut Nyak Dhien. There are also many Hajj pilgrims from Aceh who go to Mecca every year.
From the similarities above, it can be concluded that Aceh deserves the nickname Veranda of Mecca because it has closeness and similarities to the holy city of Mecca in various aspects.
From the three reasons above, we can understand why Aceh is called the Veranda of Mecca. This nickname shows that Aceh is an area that is close to Mecca, the holy city of Muslims. Aceh also shows that Islam is a peaceful, tolerant and civilized religion. Hopefully this article is useful for you.