What Is Summarizing and How Is It Done?

Summarizing is an activity of summarizing or taking the essence of a long text or document to be shorter and concise. Many people often find it difficult to read texts that are too long and complicated, so summarizing is the right solution to make it easier to understand.

Definition of Summarizing

Summarizing is a way to convey information concisely and easily understood. Summarizing is done by selecting the important points of the text you want to convey and changing them to be simpler but still retaining the same meaning.

Benefits Summarizing

Summarizing has many benefits, among which are:
    • Make it easy for readers to understand the contents of long texts or documents
    • Save time in reading
    • Presenting information that is easy to understand
    • Helps in the process of learning and remembering the information received

Summary Types

There are several types of summarizing, among them are:
    • Summarizing Text
Summarizing text is done by selecting key points from an article, essay, or other document and making them shorter but still retaining the same meaning.
    • Summarizing News
Summarizing news is done by selecting important points from a news story and turning it into a concise and easy to understand.
    • Book Summary
Summarizing a book is done by selecting important points from a book and turning them into concise and easy to understand.

How to Summarize

Here are ways to summarize what can be done:
    • Read Carefully
The first step in summarizing is to carefully read the document you wish to summarize. This is important for a better understanding of the contents of the document.
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    • Identification of Main Thoughts
After reading the document carefully, identify the main points of the document. This is done to determine the important points to be conveyed.
    • Make Key Points
After finding the main idea, make important points from the document. These points can be in the form of sentences or words that represent the contents of the document to be conveyed.
    • Rewrite
The last step is to rewrite these important points into a new text that is more concise but still maintains the original meaning of the document you want to summarize.

Summary Tips

Here are some tips that can be used to summarize more effectively:
    • Avoid Adding Personal Opinions
To summarize, the main goal is to convey existing information briefly and clearly without adding personal opinion.
    • Keep the Original Meaning
Even while summarizing, make sure to keep the original meaning of the document you want to summarize. This is important so that the information conveyed remains accurate and not misleading.
    • Pay Attention to Sentence Structure
Make sure the sentence structure that is made is still well structured so that the resulting text is easily understood by the reader.
    • Recheck the Accuracy of Information
Before ending the summarizing process, be sure to double-check the accuracy of the information submitted.


Q: Is summarizing the same as plagiarism? A: No , summarizing is done by taking the essence of the document and rewriting it into a new text, while plagiarism is plagiarizing or copying text without permission or approval from the original owner.
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Q: Can summarizing be done for all types of documents? A: Yes , summarizing can be done for all types of long and complex documents such as articles, essays, books, and so on. Q: Does summarizing affect the accuracy of the information? A: If not done carefully, summarizing can affect the accuracy of the information . Therefore, make sure to always double-check the accuracy of the information submitted. Q: Can summarizing help in the learning process? A: Yes , summarizing can help in the learning process by facilitating understanding of the material being studied. Q: Does summarizing help save time? A: Yes , summarizing can help save time reading long and complex documents.


Summarizing is a way to convey information concisely and easily understood. There are various types of summarizing such as summarizing texts, news, and books. The process of summarizing is done by reading the document carefully, identifying main points, making key points, and rewriting more briefly. There are also a number of tips that can be used to make the summarizing process more effective, such as maintaining the original meaning, avoiding adding personal opinions, paying attention to sentence structure, and double-checking the accuracy of the information.
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