If you often shop online or send goods to other places, you must be familiar with the goods delivery form. This form is a document that contains important information about the goods being sent, such as the sender's name and address, recipient's name and address, type and quantity of goods, weight and size of goods, shipping costs, etc. This form is usually included in the package or attached to the outside of the package.
Type of Goods Delivery Form
The commonly used types of goods delivery forms are as follows:
Travel document

A form containing information about goods sent from the sender to the recipient, including the full name and complete address of the sender and recipient, the number of goods sent in certain units, the type of goods sent with the code or name of the goods, the weight of the goods sent in kilograms or tons, the volume of goods sent in cubic meters or liters, the receipt number which is a unique number given by the shipping company to identify the goods sent, and the shipping cost which is the amount of money that must be paid by the sender or recipient for the delivery service. A travel document is usually included with goods sent in printed or electronic form and signed by the recipient of the goods as proof of receipt of the goods. A travel letter can also be used as a document to handle claims if goods are damaged or lost during shipping.

A form containing information about payments made by the recipient of the goods to the sender or delivery company as a result of the sale or delivery transaction of goods, including the full name and full address of the sender and recipient, the number of goods received in certain units, the type of goods received with code or the name of the goods, the price of the goods per unit, shipping costs per unit or total, and the amount of payment made by the recipient of the goods to the sender or delivery company by cash, transfer, check, or other means. A receipt is usually given by the sender or shipping company to the recipient of the goods after payment is made in printed or electronic form and signed by the sender or shipping company as proof of payment. Receipts can also be used as documents for processing taxes or financial reports.

A form containing information about goods sales transactions between the sender and the recipient before or simultaneously with the delivery of the goods, including the full name and full address of the sender and recipient, the number of goods sold in certain units, the type of goods sold with the code or name of the goods, the price of the goods per units before discounts, discounts given by the sender to the recipient in percent or nominal, taxes imposed by the government on the sender or recipient in percent or nominal, and the total price that must be paid by the recipient to the sender after deducting discounts and adding taxes. A note is usually given by the sender to the recipient of the goods before or simultaneously with the delivery of the goods in printed or electronic form and signed by the recipient as proof of the transaction. The note can also be used as a document to handle returns or complaints if there is a discrepancy between the goods sold and the goods received.
Benefits of the Goods Delivery Form
So, what are the benefits of a goods delivery form? Here are some of them:
Makes the process of sending goods easier

With this form, the courier or delivery service can find out in detail the specifications of the goods to be sent, such as the size, weight and value of the goods. This can help them determine appropriate handling, packaging and transportation methods according to the condition of the goods. Apart from that, this form can also help them avoid mistakes or mistakes in sending goods, such as the wrong address, wrong quantity, or wrong type of goods.
Increase security and accountability of goods

This form can be used as a reference in case of damage, loss or fraud. With this form, the sender can track the status and location of the goods sent via the receipt number listed on the form. If there is a problem with the goods sent, such as damaged, lost or stolen, the sender can submit a claim or complaint to the courier or delivery service using this form as evidence. This form can also help the recipient ensure that the goods received correspond to those ordered and paid for by the sender.
Speed up the process of receiving goods

Can help the recipient check the condition and completeness of the goods before receiving and signing the receipt. With this form, the recipient can check whether the goods received match those stated on the form, such as the type, quantity, weight and dimensions of the goods. If there is a discrepancy or damage to the goods received, the recipient can immediately inform the courier or delivery service and refuse to accept the goods. This can save the recipient the time and costs incurred in returning or exchanging non-conforming items.
Maintaining good relations between sender and recipient

Can show the sender's professionalism and credibility as well as the recipient's satisfaction and loyalty. With this form, senders can show that they care about the quality and safety of the goods sent and respect the rights and obligations of the recipient. This form can also show that the sender has met the standards and requirements set by the courier or delivery service in carrying out goods delivery transactions. This can increase the sender's trust and reputation in the eyes of the recipient. On the other hand, this form can also show that the recipient has received the goods well and according to their expectations. This can increase recipient satisfaction and loyalty towards the sender.
The goods delivery form is one of the important documents that you must pay attention to when sending or receiving goods. Make sure you fill out this form correctly and completely so that the delivery process runs smoothly and safely. Good luck!