What are Soulmates, Twin Flames and Karmic?

Zico ft IU – Soulmate

“오래 기다렸지
(You’ve waited a long time, right?)
안녕 나의 soulmate
(Hello, my soulmate )
모든 게 너다워졌어
(Cause everything seems to be more like you now)
투명한 매듭에 묶여
(Tied by invisible knot)”

In the viral Korean song by Zico ft. IU is called ” soulmate “. Do you know what a soulmate is? If in Indonesian soulmate means soul mate, have you ever wondered, do soul mates really exist? So how can we know that the person we meet and know is our soulmate? Check out the following explanation!

Spiritual Connection

Humans are individual and social creatures. Individual means single, which means humans have traits, characters and personalities that are different from each other. Even if one human being is born, lives or grows up in the same place, it will not make them the same. Background, logical thinking, psychological conditions and other things will influence how humans grow and form.

Meanwhile, humans as social creatures were expressed by Aristotle through his theory entitled ” Zoon Politicon “, which means that humans are creatures who always want to socialize, gather and be in society. Different characteristics between individuals and based on humans as social creatures cause humans to be encouraged to form relationships because of their mutual need for each other. This relationship can create a deep spiritual connection and help individuals find meaning and purpose in life.

In a relationship, have you ever felt a deep attraction to another individual? It’s as if your soul is linked to that individual, it almost feels like you’re dividing yourself into two inseparable parts. This connection is often described as a ‘soulmate’ or ‘ soulmate ‘. But it turns out, not only soulmates , spiritual connections are divided into several types, you know!

Twin Flames, Soulmates, and Karmic

Spiritual connections are generally divided into 3 types, namely twin flames , soulmates , and karmic . These three relationships do not only apply to couples in terms of love and the opposite sex, but can also be in the form of relationships between children and parents, friendships, and so on. The universe brings together two individuals as destined so that they both seek the purpose and meaning of life in this world. However, there is the potential that one of them will be your life partner.

Twin Flames

Twin Flames or twin flames, is a spiritual connection where two individuals have a very strong and intense emotional bond, so it feels like a attraction. Additionally, both individuals will be very much like mirrors and one soul that is split into two. Generally we will feel like meeting ourselves. Both individuals have similar favorite foods, favorite colors or tastes in music, even intense and deep things such as being able to feel the same things and having a similar outlook on life in certain situations.

This concept was first introduced by Plato in his philosophical work, The Symposium . According to myth, the first humans originally had two heads, four arms, four legs and twin flame souls. Out of fear and jealousy, the god Zeus separated the human into two parts so that they would be weak and left to roam the Earth to find each other and reconnect with each other to become strong. It’s ironic, isn’t it?

Twin Flame Characteristics

Couples connected by twin flames have the following characteristics:

  • Feeling de javu, like having met in the past. So at the start of the meeting you will immediately ‘ click’ and connect
  • There are many similarities even though they have different characters, such as the hard and the soft but have the same perspective on life
  • Always have a way to come back even if they are separated
  • A strong and intense inner connection, even though separated by distance and time


If twin flames are described as being like a mirror because they are very similar to oneself, soulmates are a spiritual connection that provides a sense of calm, comfort and security. When we meet an individual who is connected to our soulmate , that person will feel like a peaceful and calm home. Soulmate makes us inspired and moved to become a better version of ourselves in positive ways. His presence makes us more mature and happier.

This relationship term is often used in song lyrics because it describes a positive, sincere and pure feeling of love. If you’ve ever felt it, maybe that person is your soulmate , you know!


Unlike soulmates and twin flames , karmic or karmic relationships tend to hurt each other. Even so, the ultimate goal of this relationship is to teach you life lessons. Like twin flames, karmic initially occurs very intensely and progress feels very fast. However, if you look deeper, this connection could be formed due to karma that you have created in the past.

An easy example, if you have been in a one-way relationship before where your position was as the person who left, it could be that in your current karmic relationship you are in the position of the person who was left behind. Likewise, if previously you were loved deeply, maybe this time your position is as the party who loves more. Generally, this connection is described as more dominant in one party or individual.

No wonder the process will be very painful and difficult to carry out. Like the philosophy that the more iron is forged, the stronger it becomes, karmic connections may give you a very hard and painful ‘blow’, but in the end you will understand that all of this happened to make you a better person. Keep positive !

So, regardless of whatever form of connection you experience with other individuals, believe that everything happens for good purposes and intentions. Positive thinking , good communication between both parties, and a sense of trust in each other are the keys to overcoming all difficulties in the process of establishing a relationship. So of these three spiritual connections, which one have you experienced?

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