What is NPP? What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages?

Hello friends Summarized! This time we will discuss about Nuclear Power Plants or Nuclear Power Plants . Do you know what NPP is? How does it work? And what are the advantages and disadvantages? Come on, see the explanation below!

What is NPP? What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages?

Definition of NPP

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NPP is a thermal power plant that uses one or several nuclear reactors as its heat source. A nuclear reactor is a place where nuclear fission reactions occur, namely the breakdown of fuel atomic nuclei such as uranium or plutonium which produces energy in the form of heat.

The working principle is almost the same as a Steam Power Plant (PLTU), which uses high pressure steam to turn a turbine. This turbine rotation is converted into electrical energy by the generator.


There are various types of nuclear power plants which differ depending on the type of nuclear reactor used. Some common types of nuclear reactors are:

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  • Pressurized water reactor (PWR), which uses water as a coolant and moderator for neutrons. A neutron moderator is a material used to slow down the neutrons resulting from a fission reaction so that they can trigger the next fission reaction.
  • Boiling water reactor (Boiling Water Reactor or BWR), which also uses water as a coolant and moderator for neutrons, but the water is boiled directly in the reactor to produce steam.
  • Pressurized gas reactor (PGR), which uses a gas such as carbon dioxide or helium as a coolant and graphite as a moderator of the neutrons.
  • Heavy water reactor (Heavy Water Reactor or HWR), which uses heavy water (deuterium oxide) as a coolant and moderator of neutrons. Heavy water is water that contains the heavy hydrogen isotope (deuterium).
  • Fast reactors (Fast Reactor or FR), which do not use a neutron moderator, but instead use a fuel with a high concentration of fissile isotopes, such as plutonium-239. Fast reactors can produce more fissile fuel than they consume, so they are also known as breeder reactors .
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Advantages and disadvantages

PLTN has several advantages and disadvantages compared to other power plants. Following are some of them:

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  • Can generate large amounts of electricity with relatively little fuel. One ton of uranium can produce energy equivalent to 20,000 tons of coal.
  • Does not produce greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide, thereby reducing the impact of global warming.
  • It can operate continuously regardless of weather or season conditions, so it can be a stable and reliable power source.
  • Can utilize spent nuclear fuel from nuclear weapons or other reactors, so as to reduce nuclear waste and the risk of spreading nuclear weapons.


  • Requires high construction, operating and maintenance costs. In addition, nuclear power plants also require qualified and trained technology and workforce.
  • Produces radioactive waste which is hazardous and difficult to handle and store. Radioactive waste can have a negative impact on health and the environment if leaked or misused.
  • There is a risk of having a nuclear accident which can cause widespread and fatal radiation release. Well-known examples of nuclear accidents are at Chernobyl, Ukraine in 1986 and at Fukushima, Japan in 2011.

Sample case

Currently, there are around 450 nuclear power plants operating in 30 countries around the world, which contribute around 10% of the world’s total electricity production. Some countries that have the most nuclear power plants are the United States, France, China, Russia and Japan.

One example of a successful nuclear power plant is in France, which has 56 nuclear power plants that supply around 75% of the national electricity demand. France is also Europe’s largest electricity exporter and has the lowest per capita carbon dioxide emissions.

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One example of a failed nuclear power plant is in Indonesia, which until now has not had a commercial nuclear power plant. Even though Indonesia has considerable potential for nuclear resources, it still faces many obstacles, such as social, political, economic, technological and environmental problems.


A nuclear power plant is a power plant that uses nuclear fission as a source of heat. Nuclear power plants have different types of nuclear reactors. Nuclear power plants have advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered properly. PLTN has been widely used in several countries, but not yet in Indonesia.

Thus the explanation about the NPP that we can convey. Hopefully useful and add to your insight. If you have questions or comments regarding this article, please write in the comments column below. Thank you and see you soon!

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