Hello friends Summarized! This time we will discuss a word that we often hear in various media, namely the inauguration. What does this word mean? Why is this word important? And what are the examples of the use of this word in everyday life? Come on, see the full review below!
What is an Inauguration, Why is it Important, and How can it be an example
Meaning of Inauguration
According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the meaning of the word inauguration is official confirmation in a position or position . The inauguration is usually carried out by means of a ceremony of appointment or taking the oath of office. An example is the inauguration of presidents, governors, regents, or village heads.
Inauguration can also mean the official opening of a new event, facility or infrastructure . An example is the opening of the Olympics, literary festivals, school buildings, or toll bridges. The inauguration is usually attended by officials or important figures who give remarks or speeches.
Inauguration can also mean the official inauguration of new students or new members of an organization . An example is the inauguration of new students at universities, new members in student organizations, or new members in political parties. Usually done by saying a promise or pledge.
In some churches, inauguration is another name for ordination . Ordination is the ceremony of appointing a person to become a priest, priest, bishop, or cardinal. Ordination is usually done by giving the sign of the cross or holy oil.
The Importance of the Inauguration
Inauguration is an important process because it has several functions and objectives, including:
- Legalize the status or position of someone or something legally and formally.
- Inform the public or the public about any changes or new things that are happening.
- Expect support or cooperation from various related or interested parties.
- Conveying the vision, mission, program or work plan to be implemented by someone or something.
- Encouraging or motivating someone or something to carry out their duties and responsibilities properly.
Sample case
Here are some examples of cases that have occurred in Indonesia and in the world:

Inauguration Type | Name | Date | Place |
Presidential inauguration | Joko Widodo – Ma’ruf Amin | October 20, 2019 | MPR/DPR RI building |
Olympics opening | Tokyo 2020 | July 23, 2021 | Tokyo Olympic Stadium |
New Student Inauguration | University of Indonesia | August 2, 2021 | UI Depok Campus |
Bishop Ordination | Mgr. Antonius Subianto Bunjamin OSC | June 12, 2018 | Bandung Cathedral Church |
From the explanation above, we can conclude that inauguration is a word that has the meaning of official inauguration in a position or position, official opening of a new event, facility or infrastructure, official inauguration of new students or new members of an organization, or ordination in the Church. The inauguration has important functions and purposes for someone or something that experiences it. Inauguration also often occurs in various fields and aspects of life.
Thus this article about the inauguration. Hopefully this article is useful and adds to your insight. If you have questions, suggestions or criticism, please write in the comments column below. Thanks for reading and see you in the next article!