What are the advantages of television compared to newspapers as advertising media?

Friends In summary, have you ever wondered what are the advantages of television compared to newspapers as a medium for advertising? If yes, then this article will provide the answers you are looking for.

Television and newspapers are two mass media that have long been used to distribute advertisements. Both of these media have advantages and disadvantages of each, but there are several factors that make television superior to newspapers in terms of advertising distribution. Here are some of these factors:

Audience Reach

One of the advantages of television compared to newspapers is its wider audience reach. Television can reach audiences from all walks of life, ages, education, and locations. Television can also reach an audience that cannot read or is not interested in reading newspapers.

According to data from Nielsen, in 2020, the number of households with televisions in Indonesia will reach 63.9 million, while the number of newspaper readers is only around 10 million. This shows that television has the potential to reach a wider audience than newspapers.

Visual Appeal

Another advantage of television compared to newspapers is the higher visual appeal. Television can display advertisements with images, sounds, music, motion, and colors that can attract the attention and emotions of the audience. Television can also display advertisements with a longer duration and more variety.

Newspapers can only display ads with limited, static images and text. Newspapers also have limitations in terms of ad size, color, and position. Newspapers also tend to be less effective in generating memories and impressions on audiences.

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Sample case

To provide a clearer picture of the advantages of television compared to newspapers as an advertising medium, the following are examples of cases of two companies using this medium for advertising.


Gojek is a technology company from Indonesia that provides various services such as online transportation, food delivery, digital payments, and others. Gojek uses television as one of the main media for advertising. Gojek often makes television advertisements featuring testimonials from Gojek users and partners, as well as collaborating with famous artists or figures to become brand ambassadors. Gojek also uses humor, songs, and catchy slogans in its advertisements.

One of Gojek’s successful television advertisements is the “Gojek Pasti Ada” advertisement which was aired in 2019. This advertisement featured a number of artists such as Raffi Ahmad, Luna Maya, Gading Marten, and Cinta Laura who sang the song “Gojek Pasti Ada” with lyrics describing various Gojek services. This ad succeeded in creating high awareness and engagement among the audience. This advertisement also received an award as Best TV Commercial at the 2019 Citra Pariwara event.


Kompas is one of the largest and most trusted newspapers in Indonesia which presents various national and international news. Kompas uses newspapers as the main media for advertising. Kompas often displays newspaper advertisements that highlight the credibility, professionalism and independence of Kompas as a mass media. Kompas also uses a simple, elegant and informative design in its advertisements.

One of the interesting advertisements for the Kompas newspaper is the advertisement for “Kompas 50 Years” which was aired in 2015. This advertisement displays historical images that have been published on the front page of Kompas for 50 years, with the title “Kompas Watching History”. This ad succeeds in showing that Kompas is a historical witness that has reported on various important events in Indonesia and the world. This ad also received appreciation from readers and media observers.

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Comparison Table

To facilitate understanding, the following is a comparison table between television and newspapers as advertising media.

Factor Television Newspaper
Audience Reach More broadly, it can reach various levels of society, age, education, and location. More narrow, can only reach readers who are interested and able to read newspapers.
Visual Appeal Higher, can display ads with images, sounds, music, motion, and colors that catch the attention and emotions of the audience. Lower, can only show ads with static and limited text and images.
Production cost Higher, requires more equipment, labor, and time to make television commercials. Lower, requiring only print and graphic design to create a newspaper ad.
Viewing Fee Higher, depending on the duration, frequency, and airtime of the television ad. Lower, depending on the size, color, and position of the newspaper ad.


From the explanation above, it can be concluded that television has several advantages compared to newspapers as an advertising medium. Television can reach a wider audience, display advertisements with higher visual appeal, and create stronger memories and impressions on audiences. However, television also requires higher production and broadcast costs than newspapers.

Newspapers also have their own advantages as advertising media. Newspapers can display advertisements with greater credibility, professionalism and independence. Newspapers also have lower production and broadcast costs than television.

Therefore, the choice of advertising media delivery depends on the goals, targets, budget and strategy of the advertiser. Each medium has its own advantages and disadvantages which must be considered carefully.

Thus this article about what are the advantages of television compared to newspapers as a medium for advertising. Hopefully this article is useful for friends in Summary who want to learn more about mass media and marketing. If you have questions or feedback regarding this article, please write in the comments column below. Thank you for reading this article to the end 😊

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