How to Send Large Files on Discord Without Nitro!

Sending large files on Discord or files that are more than 8MB without having Discord Nitro is definitely an obstacle for all free people (for example me). But is there really a way to send large files without Discord Nitro?? That’s the thing that stuck in my head when I wanted to send a meme to a friend on my discord server. After experimenting from all over the country, I finally got what I wanted, and of course I will share it with friends who are virtuous, virtuous, and virtuous women.

How to send files over 8mb on Discord?

  1. Using SteelSeries GG.
  2. Video compressor VEED.IO.
  3. Make use of Google Drive.
  4. Using GFYcat.
  5. Take advantage of PrintScreen.

Detailed Explanation

SteelSeries GG

Surely many of you have never used SteelSeries GG, what is SteelSeries GG? If you know about instant replay, then SteelSeries GG is one of the platforms that provides this service, and why did I put SteelSeries GG here? The answer is because it has a built-in export feature that supports a specific size of 8MB, which is very specific maybe for Discord gangs. The way to get to the Export menu is to click Moments, after that select the clip you want to reduce the file size to, then click Export which is at the top right. It looks like that, but we can only use this feature after capturing the instant replay of the clip we want, so the limit is there, guys. SteelSeries GG supports the big games that you play, examples like Valorant, Dota2, etc.

Baca Juga  Discord Merilis Soundboard, Fitur Asik Untuk Menambah Kelucuan is a video editing platform, music, images etc. For this discussion, we will focus on the Video Compressor feature. Since SteelSeries GG can only compress video from clips, is the answer to our sorrows (what’s too much). Here we can compress any video we want, then how do we do it? open, then hover over the navigation and select Video Compressor. Then click Choose Video , and select what video you want to reduce in size, after that the upload process will run, and it will look like the image below. For Compression , slide it and adjust it to the Estimated Compressed Size below, slide it to the left, guys, so the file size is smaller. After conforming to the settings, just click Compress Video, wait for the video process to run and download it. This is an example of a compressed video. Sending Discord Large Files

Google Drive

If the 2 items above are about video, what if the file sent is a non-video file this time? Google Drive is the easiest way in my opinion to send large Discord files, and the size that can be uploaded on Google Drive is also quite large. Indeed, there are many instant file upload service providers, but for security and longevity of links, I recommend Google Drive. The trick is to open Google Drive , log in first if you haven’t already, then click New > File Upload, after that a pop-up window will appear so you can select the file you want to upload, find the file you want to upload and select open. After that the upload process will occur, wait a moment and after the file has finished uploading, point the mouse to the green checkmark like the picture above and left click. Then you will be directed to the file that you have uploaded, then right-click the file and select Get link. Sending Discord Large Files If it looks like the one above, then change general access from Restricted to Anyone with the link, then click copy link and paste the link to the discord you want! Some of the advantages and disadvantages of using the google drive method: Pros:

  • File size can be large.
  • The download speed for the viewer is fast.
  • Long lasting links.
  • Guaranteed security.
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  • Must have a google account (After all, who doesn’t have a google account? if there are gaps please comment and we just wrestle! )
  • It’s a bit tricky.


Gyfcat is used to send videos if the files to be sent are quite large, but the drawback is that we cannot control the file of moving images that will be sent to discord. The method is quite easy, namely, just go to the Gyfcat website then click upload and select what video you want to upload. Just like Google Drive, what we send on Discord is in the form of a link, but later on Discord it will automatically become a GIF, it’s very easy, not xixixixixi.

Print Screen

Print screen is suitable for use when you want to upload a large image. For print screen, you can use a 3rd party program or use the built in windows. For 3rd parties I recommend using lightshoot, I myself have been using lightshoot for a long time, or if you want to use built in Windows you can do it by Windows + Shift + S. TRUS, WHAT IS THE BUSINESS OF PRINT SCREEN WITH FILE SIZE?????? Relax, friend, the screenshot also reduces the file size, you know, I’ll give you a direct example so it’s not a hoax. Sending Discord Large Files That’s down from 3.9MB to 1.10MB guys!


That’s right, as you think, maybe most of the methods above you already know (if you don’t know, comment, guys, so I won’t be sad), but after searching for it, that’s the only way you can do it, guys. As free users, it would be nice for us not to demand anything out of the ordinary, it’s okay to be a little complicated for features we can’t use. Hopefully, at a glance, this article on Sending Large Files on Discord helps those of you who are in need or who are confused about how to send large files on Discord. Thanks for reading!

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Yoshua Marchiano
Yoshua Marchiano
2 years ago

Wah terimakasih banget nih bro, kebantu banget buat ngeshare clip Valorant