Hello, friends Summarized! This time we will discuss articles about local wisdom to overcome social inequality. Do you know what local wisdom is? Local wisdom is knowledge, values and culture owned by a local community and passed down from generation to generation. Local wisdom is usually related to the way of life, beliefs, customs and traditions of the community.
Local wisdom has many benefits for society, one of which is to overcome social inequality. Social inequality is a condition when there are stark differences between social groups in terms of access to resources, opportunities, rights, and welfare. Social inequality can lead to various social problems, such as poverty, conflict, discrimination and injustice.
Local Wisdom to Overcome Social Inequality
To overcome social inequality, local wisdom-based community empowerment is needed. Community empowerment is a process in which people are empowered to improve their quality of life by utilizing the potential and resources that exist in their environment. Community empowerment based on local wisdom means utilizing local values and culture that are in accordance with the conditions and needs of the community.
Examples of Local Wisdom to Overcome Social Inequality
The following are some examples of local wisdom that can be used to address social inequality:
Mutual cooperation

Gotong royong is an attitude of helping each other and working together in completing a work or problem together. Gotong royong can overcome social inequality by dividing burdens and responsibilities evenly, reducing dependence on outsiders, and increasing solidarity and a sense of brotherhood among community members.

Tolerance is an attitude of respect and respect for differences that exist between individuals or social groups. Tolerance can overcome social inequality by preventing conflict and violence due to differences in religion, ethnicity, race, culture, or political views, as well as creating an atmosphere of peace and harmony in society.
Mutual exchange system

Mutual exchange system is a system of exchanging goods or services without using money as a medium of exchange. The mutual assistance system can address social inequality by providing opportunities for the less fortunate to obtain the goods or services they need without having to pay in cash, as well as reducing the economic gap between the rich and the poor.
How to Maintain Local Wisdom in the Era of Globalization
In this modern era of globalization, local wisdom is often threatened with extinction or displaced by foreign cultures that are more attractive or pragmatic. For this reason, efforts are needed to maintain local wisdom as a national identity and a source of community empowerment. Some ways that can be done are:
- Passing on local wisdom to the younger generation . The younger generation is the successor of the nation who must know and appreciate local wisdom as ancestral heritage. This method can be done by teaching local wisdom through formal or informal education, such as schools, families, the environment, mass media, or community organizations.
- Documenting local wisdom in writing or audiovisual . Local wisdom documentation is a way to preserve and disseminate local wisdom to a wider audience. This method can be done by writing books, articles, journals, or blogs about local wisdom, or by making films, videos, podcasts, or vlogs about local wisdom.
- Develop local wisdom creatively and innovatively . The development of local wisdom is a way to maintain the relevance and appeal of local wisdom in the midst of the times. This method can be done by adapting or combining local wisdom with technology, art or other culture that suits the needs and interests of today’s society.
Local wisdom is knowledge, values and culture owned by a local community and passed down from generation to generation. Local wisdom has many benefits for society, one of which is to overcome social inequality. Social inequality is a condition when there are stark differences between social groups in terms of access to resources, opportunities, rights, and welfare.
To overcome social inequality, local wisdom-based community empowerment is needed. Community empowerment is a process in which people are empowered to improve their quality of life by utilizing the potential and resources that exist in their environment. Community empowerment based on local wisdom means utilizing local values and culture that are in accordance with the conditions and needs of the community.
Some examples of local wisdom that can be used to overcome social inequality are mutual cooperation, tolerance, and mutual assistance systems. Several ways that can be done to maintain local wisdom in the era of globalization are passing on local wisdom to the younger generation, documenting local wisdom in writing or audiovisual, and developing local wisdom creatively and innovatively.
This is the article that I can convey about local wisdom to overcome social inequality. Hopefully useful and add to your insight. If you have questions or comments regarding this article, please write in the comments column below. Thanks for reading and see you in the next article!