How to Maintain Oral Traditions in the Digital Era?

Oral tradition is a cultural heritage that must be preserved and passed down to future generations. Oral tradition is a way of conveying local knowledge, values and wisdom through words, such as folk tales, pantuns, poetry, regional songs, and so on. Oral traditions have many benefits, such as honing creativity, enriching cultural treasures, maintaining regional identity, and connecting older and younger generations.

However, in this sophisticated digital era, oral traditions are starting to be threatened with extinction. Many factors cause this, such as the younger generation's lack of interest in learning and preserving oral traditions, the lack of human resources capable of mastering and teaching oral traditions, and the rise of foreign cultural influences that are more interesting and easily accessible. Therefore, efforts need to be made to maintain and develop oral traditions so that they are not lost over time.

Efforts to Maintain and Develop Oral Traditions

To maintain and develop oral traditions, we need to do the following three things:


Documentation is the process of immortalizing oral traditions in a form that can be stored and disseminated. Documentation can be done using modern recording tools, such as cameras, microphones, computers or cellphones. With these tools, we can record sounds, images, or movements from actors or speakers of oral traditions. Apart from that, documentation can also be done using traditional or modern writing tools, such as pens, paper, books, or the internet. With these tools, we can write down the content, meaning, or context of oral traditions. Documentation that has been created can be stored in places that are safe and easily accessible to the public, such as libraries, museums, national archives, or digital media. With documentation, we can preserve oral traditions so that they are not lost over time.


Revitalization is the process of reviving oral traditions that have begun to be forgotten or rarely practiced. Revitalization can be done by holding activities that present oral traditions to the public. These activities can take the form of festivals, competitions, exhibitions, seminars, workshops or discussions. With these activities, we can introduce and appreciate oral traditions to the wider community. Apart from that, revitalization can also be done by integrating oral traditions into the formal or non-formal education curriculum. In this way, we can introduce and teach oral traditions to the younger generation. With revitalization, we can revive oral traditions that have begun to be forgotten or rarely practiced.


Innovation is the process of creating or developing oral traditions in a way that is creative and in line with current developments. Innovation can be done by adapting oral traditions into new forms that are more interesting and relevant to the younger generation. These new forms can take the form of films, animation, comics, games, podcasts, blogs, or social media. With these new forms, we can present oral traditions in a more modern and interactive way. Apart from that, innovation can also be done by adding new elements to oral traditions. These new elements can be actual themes related to current socio-cultural issues. Or it could also be in the form of positive messages that are beneficial to society. Or it could also be a style of language that is fresher and more attractive to listeners or readers. With innovation, we can make oral traditions a source of inspiration and expression for society.

Apart from the three things above, another effort that can be made is to increase the role of families, schools and communities in preserving oral traditions. Family is the first environment that can introduce and foster a love of oral traditions in children. Parents can tell or read folk stories or regional songs to their children from an early age. School is the second environment that can teach and develop oral traditions to students. Teachers can insert material about oral traditions in the curriculum or extracurricular activities. Society is the third environment that can support and facilitate oral traditions to its members. Community figures or cultural figures can hold events or communities related to oral traditions.

Community Elements in Passing On Oral Traditions

Elements of society that pass on oral traditions to future generations are as follows:


Culture is a way of life that develops and is followed by members of society. Culture includes values, norms, customs, language, art, and so on. Oral tradition is a form of culture that is passed down from generation to generation through word of mouth or speech. Oral traditions reflect local wisdom, beliefs and community identity. Examples of oral traditions in Indonesia are fairy tales, legends, myths, pantuns, gurindams, poetry, folk poetry, and so on.


Education is the process of developing human potential optimally. Education does not only occur in schools, but also in the family and community. Oral tradition is a source of learning that can improve the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the next generation. Oral traditions can also teach moral, ethical and social values that are important for social life. Examples of oral traditions that function as education are folk tales, proverbs, proverbs, advice, and so on.


Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages between two or more people. Communication can be done in various ways, one of which is by oral tradition. Oral tradition is an effective communication medium for conveying information, ideas, opinions and emotions. Oral traditions can also strengthen social relations and cooperation between community members. Examples of oral traditions that function as communication are folk songs, folk theater, traditional speeches, interactive dialogue, and so on.

One way that people pass on oral traditions to future generations is by oralization , which is the process of converting written knowledge into oral knowledge. Oralization is carried out by retelling written stories, fairy tales, legends, myths, history or teachings in oral form that is easy for listeners to understand and remember. Oralization can also involve elements such as music, singing, body movements, or symbols that can add interest and meaning to the narrative. Oralization can be done in various places and occasions, such as at home, at school, at places of worship, at traditional events, or on social media. By carrying out oralization, people can maintain the preservation and richness of their oral traditions, as well as teach cultural values and identity to future generations.

In this way, oral traditions can remain alive and develop in this digital era. Oral tradition is not something ancient or outdated, but something valuable and meaningful for this nation. Let us together maintain and develop oral traditions as our cultural heritage.

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