How To Deal With Stress Wisely

Hello friends Summarized! Have you ever felt stressed? Stress is a condition that is often experienced by many people, especially in the modern era like today. Stress can be caused by various things, ranging from family problems, work, health, to the environment. Stress that is not handled properly can have a negative impact on our physical and mental health. Therefore, it is important to know how to deal with stress wisely so that we can live a happier life.

How to Handle Stress Wisely

What is Stress?

Stress is a change in the body’s reaction when faced with a new threat, pressure or situation. When faced with stress, the body will release the hormones adrenaline and cortisol . This condition makes the heart rate and blood pressure increase, breathing becomes faster, and muscles become tense. Common stress felt by everyone, both adults and children. When experiencing stress, the body will become alert to challenges or dangers that threaten. The body can give a positive or negative reaction in response to stress. A positive reaction could be adaptability, increased alertness, or motivation in facing a challenge. While negative reactions are characterized by anxiety and fear, which can be accompanied by various physical complaints.

Causes and Symptoms of Stress

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The causes of stress experienced by each person can be different. Some people find school exams to be stressful, but some people can handle them just fine. The causes of stress are not known with certainty. However, there are several risk factors that can cause stress, namely:
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    • Disharmonious family
    • Traumatic events
    • Long-term (chronic) illness
    • Economic gap
    • An unsafe environment, such as a conflict area
    • Workload
    • Bad events, such as divorce or layoffs
Stress is divided into acute and chronic stress. Acute stress occurs over a short period of time and is easily managed. Meanwhile, chronic stress lasts longer, which if left untreated can cause health problems. Stress is characterized by physical and mental changes. Symptoms that appear when someone experiences stress can vary, depending on how to react to it. Symptoms or signs of stress can be divided into: Emotional symptoms:
    • Easily riled up
    • Frustration
    • Changeable mood
    • It’s hard to calm the mind
    • Confused
    • Feelings of uselessness
    • Tend to avoid other people
    • Depression
Physical symptoms
    • Weak
    • Dizzy
    • Nauseous
    • Diarrhea
    • Constipation
    • Muscle ache
    • Heart beat
    • Sleep disorders
    • Decreased sexual desire
    • Body shaking
    • Ringing ears
    • Cold and sweaty feet or hands
    • Dry mouth
    • Difficult to swallow
Cognitive symptoms
    • Hard to focus
    • Often forget
    • Pessimistic
    • Tend to be negative
    • Often makes bad decisions
Behavioral symptoms
    • Diet changes
    • Habit of avoiding responsibility
    • Nervousness is like biting your nails
    • Walk to and fro
    • Smoking habits or consuming alcoholic beverages excessively

How to Handle Stress Wisely

The main step to dealing with stress is to find out the causes of stress that arise. That way, we can think of a way out. If the problem that causes it can be resolved, stress can also be resolved by itself. While the cause of stress hasn’t been resolved, do the following to deal with stress and make your mind more relaxed:
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    1. Express complaints
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Keeping feelings in check can stress us out. It’s better to let go of the burden by expressing all the things that are on your mind to the closest person or psychologist. Believe me, after all the complaints have been removed, our feelings will definitely be much better.
    1. Exercise regularly
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In addition to making the body healthier, exercise can also relieve stress. By exercising, the muscles of the body will be more relaxed and our minds will be distracted so that we can improve our mood. We don’t need to do strenuous exercise to relieve stress. Just do simple exercise, such as a leisurely walk or cycling.
    1. Do meditation
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Meditation or yoga for 10-15 minutes and done 4-5 times a week can calm our minds. Meditation can help us catch our breath, relax our muscles, and increase self-awareness.
    1. Listening to music
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Listening to relaxing music can also be an effective way to relieve stress. This is because soft music can relax the body and lower blood pressure, heart rate, and stress hormone levels. Not only soft music, we can also listen to our favorite music genres to deal with stress.
    1. Enjoy nature
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Spending 20 minutes in touch with nature can help lower stress hormone levels. Well, then enjoying the outside air can be one way to deal with stress. We can take a walk in the garden around the house for a while or start simple farming in the yard.
    1. Enough sleep
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Adequate sleep can help our bodies and minds to rest and recover from fatigue caused by stress. Quality sleep can also improve our overall mental and physical health. Try to sleep for 7-8 hours every night and avoid things that can disturb our sleep, such as gadgets, caffeine or alcohol.
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Stress is a condition that is often experienced by many people in this modern era. Stress can be caused by many things and cause unpleasant physical and mental symptoms. Stress that is not handled properly can have a negative impact on our physical and mental health. For this reason, it is important for us to know how to deal with stress wisely so that we can live a happier life. Some of the ways we can do this are expressing complaints, exercising regularly, meditating, listening to music, enjoying nature, and getting enough sleep. Thus the article on how to deal with stress wisely from Hopefully this article is useful for friends. Summarized all. If you have questions or feedback regarding this article, please write in the comments column below. Thanks for reading!
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