How is air blown into a plastic bag?

Have you ever blown air into a plastic bag? Maybe you've done it when playing with friends, or when you want to fill balloons. But, do you know what actually happens to the air you blow into that plastic bag? Has the shape changed? Has his nature changed? Is there any benefit or harm to this? Let's find out the answer in this article.

Air Form

Blowing air into a plastic bag is one way to observe changes in the shape of objects. Plastic bags are objects that have an unstable shape, meaning their shape can change according to the contents or pressure applied to them. When we blow air into a plastic bag, we apply pressure to the walls of the plastic bag so that the air fills the empty space inside. The shape of the plastic bag changes to become larger and expands according to the direction of air pressure. If we stop blowing air, the shape of the plastic bag will remain like that until another force changes it, for example we press or puncture the plastic bag. So, the shape of blowing air into a plastic bag changes from its original flat and wrinkled shape to a new shape that is large and inflated.

Nature of Air

The air we breathe every day consists of various gases, such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and others. When we blow air into a plastic bag, we not only transfer air from our mouth into the bag, but also add other gases that come from our breathing process. One of the added gases is water vapor, which is the result of water condensation in our lungs. This water vapor makes the air inside the plastic bag more humid than the air outside.

Apart from that, another gas added is carbon dioxide, which is the result of burning sugar in our body. This carbon dioxide makes the air inside the plastic bag more acidic than the air outside. This can be proven by using acid-base indicators, such as litmus paper or purple cauliflower solution. If we drip the indicator into a plastic bag containing the air we are blowing, the color will change to red or pink, indicating that the air is acidic.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the properties of the air that we blow into a plastic bag are different from the properties of the air outside. The air inside the plastic bag becomes more humid, more acidic, and smellier than the air outside. Therefore, we should not blow air into plastic bags too often or for too long, because this can damage the health of our lungs and teeth.

Benefits and Harm

Blowing air into a plastic bag is one way to deal with anxiety or shortness of breath. There are several benefits and dangers of this activity. The following is the explanation.

The benefits of blowing air into a plastic bag are:

Helps restore the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood

When we are anxious or short of breath, we tend to breathe too quickly and exhale too much carbon dioxide. This can cause symptoms such as dizziness, heart palpitations, or numbness. By blowing air into a plastic bag, we can re-inhale the carbon dioxide we exhale and reduce excess oxygen levels.

Helps calm the mind and body

When we focus on our breath, we can distract ourselves from things that make us anxious or short of breath. In addition, blowing air into a plastic bag can also provide a sensation of light pressure on the face and chest, which can provide a feeling of comfort and relaxation.

The dangers of blowing air into plastic bags are:

Increases the risk of infection

The plastic bags we use may not be clean or sterile, so they can contain bacteria, viruses or fungi that can enter our respiratory tract. This can cause infections such as strep throat, bronchitis, or pneumonia.

Increases the risk of hyperventilation

If we blow air into a plastic bag for too long or too often, we can experience hyperventilation, which is a condition where we breathe too quickly and too deeply. This can cause symptoms such as seizures, fainting, or even brain damage.

So, now you know what happens to the air you blow into a plastic bag. Air does not fundamentally change shape or properties, it just follows the shape and pressure of the container that holds it. Blowing air into a plastic bag can be beneficial or harmful, depending on how and why you do it. Hopefully this article is useful and adds to your insight into science.

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