Explanation and Meaning of Emoji Twitch

Twitch is a video game streaming platform that is well known around the world. On Twitch, users can watch games and other events, and interact with other users via chat. One way to interact is by using Twitch emoji. Twitch emojis are special emojis that are only available on this platform and are used to convey messages or reactions visually. In this article, you will find a complete explanation of the different types of Twitch emoji, from common emoji to event-specific emoji.

Common Emojis on Twitch

twitch emojis
Common emojis on Twitch are emojis that are available to all users. Some of the common emoji available on Twitch include:
    • Kappa – emoji indicating disbelief or joking
    • PogChamp – emoji showing joy or surprise
    • BibleThump – emoji indicating sadness or empathy
    • 4Head – emoji showing joy or admiration
    • DansGame – emoji indicating discomfort or dislike
In addition, there are also emojis that are commonly used on Twitch, but use a chrome extension called 7TV – Chrome Web Store (google.com) . Here are some popular emoji that are often used and what they mean.
twitch emojis
Emoticon It means
Kapp Lack of interest or attraction
KappPride Support for the LGBTQ+ community
KappRoss Interest or admiration for something
Kappu Gratitude or gratitude
KappuPride Support and pride in the LGBTQ+ community
CakeWait Surprise, shock, or disbelief
KEKW Funny mistake or helplessness
Class Intelligence or genius
KonCha Respect or respect
Kreygasm Intense satisfaction
LUL Laugh Out Loud
LULW Laugh so hard
MEGALUL Laugh very very hard
MingLee Anxious or worried
MingleePride Support for an anxious or worried LGBTQ+ community
MonkaS Worry or fear
MonkaW Less worry or fear
NODDERS Approval or understanding
NOMEGALUL Laughing in tense or inappropriate situations
ATK notes Lack of skills or not skilled
Okay Champ Approval or understanding
OMGscoots Pleasant or happy surprise
PagChomp Intense contentment or happiness
Panikst Intense anxiety or fear
PJSalt Disappointment or dissatisfaction
PJSugar Relief or happiness
PJSugarPride The relief or happiness that supports the LGBTQ+ community
Pog Satisfaction or happiness
PogChamp Very intense satisfaction or happiness
PogChampPride Satisfaction or happiness supporting the LGBTQ+ community
PogU Strong contentment or happiness
PopCorn Success or success
PowerUpL Increased ability or strength
PowerUpR Increased ability or strength
PrimeMe The advantages or benefits of Prime features
PunOko Humor that is not funny or humor that is not understood
SadChamp Disappointment or sadness
singsMic Sing or sing a song
SmoocherZ Love or romance
Pepege Comments with funny or weird quips or jokes
PogChamp Great surprise or joy in certain situations
Pepe Laugh Laugh or comment on something funny or ridiculous
FeelsGoodMan The feeling of pleasure or success after doing something
Pepega Comments with funny or weird quips or jokes
sadge Feelings of sadness or disappointment in certain situations
Kapp Comments with sarcasm or jokes that tickle or entertain
WutFace Distrust or not understanding in certain situations
PagMan Distrust or do not understand in certain situations
WeirdChamp Discomfort or disappointment over something in a particular situation
monkaS Fear or surprise about something that is happening in a particular situation
PepeHandsClap great excitement or enthusiasm in a given situation
monkW Uncertain or indecisive about something in a given situation
KEKW Laughter or excitement over something funny or odd in a given situation
PepegaWTF Do not understand or do not understand something that is happening in certain situations
POG Great surprise or joy in certain situations
pepeJAM Great excitement or enthusiasm for something that is very enjoyable
PepePls Request or request something politely in certain situations
EZ Success or ease in something
peepo Happy Success or pleasure in something
PepegaAim inability to do something in a certain situation
Pepega Gun The inability to do something in certain situations
KEKWL Laughter or excitement over something funny or odd in a given situation
HYPERS great excitement or enthusiasm in a given situation
catJAM Great excitement or enthusiasm for something very enjoyable (Music/Song)
peepoSad Feelings of sadness or disappointment in certain situations
peepoHug Togetherness or closeness in certain situations

Custom Emojis for Partners and Affiliates

Partners and Affiliates on Twitch have access to special emojis that they can make their own. This emoji can be used by them and by users who are their subscribers or donors. Some of the special emojis commonly used by Partners and Affiliates on Twitch include:
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    • Original Emotes – custom emojis created by Partners or Affiliates and used to represent their brand or community
    • Emote Tiered – a special emoji given to subscribers or donors with a certain tier
    • Subscriber Badge – an emoji indicating a user’s subscriber status in Partner or Affiliate channels

Special Emoji for Events

Twitch also has special emoji for certain events, such as Twitch Rivals or TwitchCon. These emoji are usually only available during the event and cannot be used after the event ends. Some special event emojis that have been on Twitch include:
    • TwitchCon – emoji used during TwitchCon events
    • TwitchRivals – emoji used during Twitch Rivals events
    • TwitchSings – emoji used during Twitch Sings events


Here are some frequently asked questions about emoji on Twitch:
    • Do Twitch emojis work on other platforms? No, Twitch emojis are only available and usable on the Twitch platform.
    • How do I create custom emojis for Partners and Affiliates? Partners and Affiliates can create custom emojis by visiting their channel dashboard on Twitch and selecting the “Emotes” option.
    • Can non-Partner and non-Affiliate users use special emoji from Partners or other Affiliates? Yes, non-Partner and non-Affiliate users can use special emoji from Partners or other Affiliates if they become subscribers or donors on the channel.
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Yoshua Marchiano
Yoshua Marchiano
1 year ago

Bang kalo binocumungus itu emoji apa ya?