Difference between Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship, What Should You Know?

Hello, friend Summarized! Are you interested in becoming an entrepreneur? Or maybe you guys are already running your own business? If yes, then you need to know the difference between entrepreneur and entrepreneurship. These two terms are often used interchangeably, but actually have different meanings.

Difference between Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship, What Should You Know?

Entrepreneur is someone who has an innovative business idea and dares to take risks to make it happen. Entrepreneur is a person who creates new opportunities in the market and provides value for customers. Entrepreneur is a person who manages natural resources, labor and capital to produce quality products or services. Entrepreneurship is a process or way of running a business built by an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is the study of how to find opportunities, develop ideas, create business plans, implement strategies, and evaluate performance. Entrepreneurship is an activity that involves creativity, innovation, leadership and management.

Examples of Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship

To better understand the difference between entrepreneur and entrepreneurship, let’s look at some examples from the real world.
Difference between Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship, What You Need to Know 2
    • Mark Zuckerberg is an entrepreneur who created Facebook, one of the largest social media platforms in the world. He has a vision to connect people around the world through the internet. He also dared to take the risk to leave his studies at Harvard and focus on developing Facebook.
    • Facebook is the result of entrepreneurship by Mark Zuckerberg and his team. They carry out the process of product development, marketing, sales, and managing resources to make Facebook a successful business. They also continue to innovate to improve Facebook features and services.
    • Rina Ciputra Sastrawinata is an entrepreneur who founded the Ciputra Group, one of the largest property group companies in Indonesia. He inherited the entrepreneurial spirit from his father, Ciputra, who is also a legendary entrepreneur. He has an idea to build a comfortable and quality independent city for the community.
    • Ciputra Group is the result of entrepreneurship carried out by Rina Ciputra Sastrawinata and her team. They carry out the process of planning, developing, managing and servicing property to make Ciputra Group a trusted business. They also continue to expand to various regions in Indonesia and abroad.
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Table of Differences Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship

The following is a table that summarizes the differences between entrepreneur and entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship
The subject or person running the business Objects or activities performed in business
Have an innovative business idea Developing business ideas into products or services
Dare to take risks Manage risks well
Create new opportunities in the market Look for opportunities and adapt to market needs
Provide value for customers Improve the quality of products or services
Manage natural resources, labor, and capital Optimizing resource use
Benefit from business Assess business performance and profitability


From the explanation above, we can conclude that an entrepreneur is someone who has an innovative business idea and dares to take risks to make it happen. Entrepreneurship is a process or way of running a business built by an entrepreneur. Both are interrelated and complementary in the business world. Thus the article about the differences between entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship that we can convey. Hopefully this article is useful for those of you who want to become an entrepreneur or who are already running your own business. If you have questions or feedback regarding this article, please write in the comments column below. Thank you for reading this article to the end. See you in the next article!
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