What Smells Make Cats Run Away?

Hello friends Summarized! Are you a cat fan? If so, surely you already know that cats are animals that are very sensitive to smells. Cats have a very keen sense of smell and can distinguish a variety of scents that humans may not smell. However, this keen sense of smell also makes cats easily distracted by odors they don’t like. There are some scents that can make cats feel uncomfortable, even run away from where they came from. What smells make cats run away? Come on, see the following reviews!

What Smells Make Cats Run Away?

Citrus and Sour Fruits

Smells That Make Cats Run Away, Anything 2
One of the odors that makes cats run away is the smell of oranges and other sour fruits, such as lemons, limes and grapefruit. This scent is very strong and overpowering for cats, so they will stay away from it. Apart from that, sour fruits can also be harmful to the health of cats if they ingest them. Acidic fruits can cause vomiting, diarrhea and dermatitis in cats. If you want to keep cats away from certain places, you can try spraying lemon juice or putting orange peels around it. Cats will avoid the place because they can’t stand the smell.


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Bananas are a delicious and healthy fruit for humans, but not for cats. Many cats do not like the smell of bananas because they are too sweet and strong. Bananas also contain substances that can damage red blood cells in cats if they eat them. If you want to protect plants or flowers from naughty cats, you can try sticking banana peels around these plants or flowers. The cat will stay away from the plant or flower because it doesn’t like the smell.

Rotten Fish

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Cats do like fish, but not rotten fish. Rotten fish has a very bad smell and can make cats sick. Never try to feed a cat rotting fish, as it could make them sick. If you want to keep cats away from the trash can or kitchen, make sure to always clean and cover the trash tightly. Don’t leave rotting fish or other food sitting in the trash or kitchen.

Tomatoes and Onions

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Tomatoes and onions are vegetables that are often used in human cooking, but are frowned upon by cats. Tomatoes and onions have a strong, pungent smell to cats, so they will avoid them. In addition, tomatoes and onions also contain substances that can poison cats if they eat them. If you want to protect your plants or garden from wild cats, you can try growing tomatoes or onions around them. Cats will stay away from the plant or garden because they don’t like the smell.


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Rosemary is an herbal plant that is often used as a cooking spice or aromatherapy for humans, but is hated by cats. Rosemary has a strong, refreshing scent for humans, but too sharp and painful for cats. Rosemary can also cause skin irritation in cats if they come into contact with it. If you want to keep your cat indoors or in your yard, you can try sprinkling some dried rosemary leaves around your door or fence. Cats will be reluctant to go out or go in because they can’t stand the smell.


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Coffee is a drink that is liked by many people, but not by cats. Coffee has a strong, bitter aroma to cats, so they will stay away from it. Coffee also contains caffeine which can be harmful to cats if they ingest it. Caffeine can cause a cat’s heart rate to increase, blood pressure to rise, and seizures. If you want to prevent your cat from digging up dirt or sand, you can try sprinkling used coffee grounds around it. Cats will avoid the dirt or sand because they do not like the smell.


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Vinegar is a liquid that is often used as an ingredient in cooking or household cleaners, but is frowned upon by cats. Vinegar has a sour, pungent smell to cats, so they will stay away from it. Vinegar can also cause eye and nose irritation in cats if they come into contact with the spray. If you want to clean urine or cat litter stains from carpets or furniture, you can try using diluted white vinegar. Vinegar can remove unwanted stains and odors, as well as prevent cats from repeating the behavior in the same place.


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Snakes are animals that are feared by many people, including cats. Snakes have a distinct smell and can frighten cats. Snakes can also harm cats if they bite them. Snakes can cause injuries, infections, and even death in cats if their venom enters their bodies. If you want to protect your cat from snakes, you have to make sure that your house and yard are snake free. You can try using some scents that can prevent snakes from entering your house or yard, such as garlic, pepper, eucalyptus oil, or clove oil.


Those are some odors that cats don’t like and how to use them to repel or protect cats. Even though these odors are effective in repelling cats, you still have to be careful when using them. Do not expose cats to these odors for too long, as it can stress or make them sick. If you want to use these smells to train cat behavior, be sure to give praise or a treat if they obey your commands. Don’t forget to give love and attention to your cats so they feel comfortable and happy with you. Thus the article about the smells that make cats run away, what are they? Hopefully this is useful and adds to your insight, friends. Summary. If you have questions or comments regarding this article, please write in the comments column below. Thanks for reading!
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