What is the Importance of National and State Awareness?

Hello friends Summarized! This time we will discuss an article about the importance of national and state awareness. Have you ever felt proud to be a citizen of Indonesia? Have you ever felt the spirit of nationalism surging in your chest? Have you ever contributed to the progress of our beloved nation and country?

If your answer is yes, then congrats! You are part of the people who have national and state consciousness. However, if your answer is no or are unsure, then it’s a good idea to read this article to the end. Because here, we will discuss what national and state awareness is, why it is important, and how to improve it in this globalization era.

What is the Importance of National and State Awareness?

What is National and State Awareness

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National and state awareness is a mental attitude and behavior that shows a sense of love, loyalty and responsibility towards the nation and state. People who have national and state awareness will respect national symbols, such as flags, national anthems, national symbols, and so on. Apart from that, people who have national and state awareness will also appreciate the noble values that form the basis of the state, such as Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

National and state awareness is not only passive, but also active. This means that people who have national and state consciousness do not only know and acknowledge their identity as Indonesian citizens, but also strive to participate in nation and state development. People who have national and state awareness will maintain the unity and integrity of the nation, uphold law and human rights, and play an active role in resolving social, economic, political, cultural, environmental and other problems faced by the nation and state. .

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Why National and State Awareness is Important

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National and state awareness is very important for every Indonesian citizen to have. This is because awareness of the nation and state is one of the factors that determine the success or failure of a nation and state. Without national and state awareness, our nation and state will easily be divided by the differences that exist within them. Without national and state awareness, our nation and state will be easily influenced by foreign influences that are inconsistent with our national values. Without awareness of the nation and state, our nation and state will find it difficult to develop and compete in this globalization era.

On the contrary, with the existence of national and state awareness, our nation and state will be stronger and more solid in facing the existing challenges. With the awareness of the nation and state, our nation and state will be better able to maintain our identity and sovereignty in the midst of globalization. With the awareness of the nation and state, our nation and state will be more advanced and prosperous in achieving our national goals.

How to Increase National and State Awareness

To increase awareness of the nation and state in this era of globalization, there are several things we can do as Indonesian citizens. Here are some examples:

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  • Study the history of the nation . By studying the history of our nation, we will know and appreciate the struggles that have been carried out by our heroes and predecessors in seizing and defending the independence of our nation and state. We will also understand more about the background and meaning of the national symbols and basic values of our country.
  • Practicing Pancasila . Pancasila is the ideology and philosophy of life of the Indonesian nation which forms the basis of our country. By practicing Pancasila, we will uphold the values of humanity, justice, unity, democracy and divinity which are the hallmarks of our nation. We will also be more tolerant and harmonious in interacting with fellow citizens who have different ethnicities, religions, races and classes.
  • Follow the flag ceremony . The flag ceremony is a form of respect for our national symbols, namely the red and white flag and the national anthem Indonesia Raya. By participating in the flag ceremony, we will feel more love and pride for our nation and country. We will also be more motivated to serve our nation and our country.
  • Maintain cleanliness and beauty of the environment . The environment is one of the important assets for our nation and state. By maintaining the cleanliness and beauty of the environment, we will love our homeland which is rich in natural resources more. We will also pay more attention to environmental issues related to the health, welfare and sustainability of our nation and state.
  • Participate in elections . Elections are one of our rights and obligations as democratic citizens of Indonesia. By participating in elections, we will show a greater sense of responsibility towards the fate of our nation and our country. We will also contribute more in determining the direction of policy and development of our nation and state.
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National and state awareness is a mental attitude and behavior that shows a sense of love, loyalty and responsibility towards the nation and state. National and state awareness is very important for every Indonesian citizen to have, because it is one of the factors that determine the success or failure of a nation and state. To increase awareness of the nation and state in this era of globalization, there are several things we can do as Indonesian citizens, such as studying the history of the nation, practicing Pancasila, participating in flag ceremonies, keeping the environment clean and beautiful, and participating in elections.

This is the article I can convey about the importance of national and state awareness in this era of globalization. Hopefully this article is useful for all of you. If you have questions or feedback regarding this article, please write them in the comments column below. Thank you for reading this article to the end.

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