Definition of backbiting, how dangerous it is, and how to avoid it

Hello friends Summarized! This time what will be discussed is about one of the behaviors that many people often do without realizing it: backbiting. In the context of Islam, backbiting is considered a major sin that can damage the relationship between fellow Muslims. This article will explain the meaning of backbiting, why backbiting is dangerous, and how to avoid this behavior. Let’s see this article to the end!

What is backbiting, how dangerous it is, and how to avoid it

Meaning of Backbiting

Backbiting is talking about the bad, bad, or shortcomings of other people who are not present at the place of discussion. Backbiting can occur verbally, in writing, or through gestures. Backbiting is a sin according to Islam. Backbiting is different from lying, because what is discussed in backbiting is true. Backbiting is the same as exposing someone’s disgrace, and the name of disgrace is not good to talk about. Even if what is said is exactly the same as the condition of the person being said, if that person does not like it, then that is considered backbiting.

Example of Ghibah

Backbiting can take any form that the person being talked about doesn’t like it. Following are some examples of backbiting:
    • “Why is So and so bald? You must be stressed at work all the time.”
    • “What’s Fulanah wearing? Like a very naughty person.”
    • “So and so is very lazy. All he does is sleep and eat.”
    • “Fulanah has never fasted as a sunnah. Even though she often lectures at the mosque.”
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The Danger of Backbiting

Backbiting is a major sin that can damage ukhuwah (brotherhood) among fellow Muslims. Backbiting can also cause enmity, hatred, and slander. The following are some of the dangers of backbiting:
    • Backbiting is a big sin that can erase the reward of our good deeds.
    • Backbiting is a destroyer of ukhuwah because it can cause hurt feelings and resentment between fellow Muslims.
    • Backbiting is like eating the carcass of your own brother, as Allah has likened it to in the Qur’an.
    • Backbiting is injuring the honor of Muslims which we must protect and respect.
    • Backbiting is exposing someone’s disgrace that can cause Allah to reveal our disgrace in this world and the hereafter.
    • Backbiting is showing that our faith is far from perfect because we prefer to talk about negative things than positive things.

How to Avoid Backbiting

What is backbiting, how dangerous is it, and how to avoid it 2
Backbiting is a behavior that we must avoid and leave immediately. Here are some ways to avoid backbiting:
    • Often remember Allah and read the Qur’an so that our hearts are always clean and calm.
    • Often dhikr and beristighfar so that we are always aware of our own mistakes and sins.
    • Often stay in touch and do good to fellow Muslims so that we feel compassion and love for them.
    • Often praise and appreciate others for their kindness and strengths so that we feel amazed and respectful towards them.
    • Immediately stop the conversation that leads to backbiting or divert the topic of conversation to things that are useful.
    • Immediately apologize and repent to Allah and the people we backbite if we have already committed backbiting.
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Backbiting is a big sin that can harm us in this world and the hereafter. Backbiting is talking about the bad things of other people who are not present at the place of discussion. Backbiting can damage ukhuwah, create hostility, and open up shame. We must avoid backbiting by remembering Allah, dhikr, making friends, praising, and stopping useless talk. Thus the article about backbiting that we can convey. Hopefully useful and add insight to all of us. If you have questions or comments regarding this article, please write in the comments column below. Thanks for reading!
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