Understanding from Learning Objective Streams: Effective Ways to Improve Learning Outcomes

Hello, friend Summarized! Have you ever felt confused or had difficulty studying? Do you feel like you don’t know what you should achieve from the material you are studying? If yes, then this article is for you. This time, we will discuss the flow of learning objectives and how to use them to improve learning outcomes.

What is a Learning Goal Stream?

The flow of learning objectives is a plan made by the teacher or students to determine what is to be achieved from the learning process. The flow of learning objectives usually consists of three main components, namely:
    • Learning objectives , namely the expected results of the learning process, such as knowledge, skills, or attitudes that students want to master.
    • Achievement criteria , namely standards or measures used to assess whether learning objectives have been achieved or not, such as tests, quizzes, projects or portfolios.
    • Learning strategies , namely methods or methods used to achieve learning objectives, such as discussions, demonstrations, experiments, or simulations.

Why is Learning Goal Stream Important?

The flow of learning objectives is important because it can provide benefits for teachers and students in the learning process, including:
    • Increase learning motivation , because students can know what they want to achieve and how to achieve it.
    • Increase learning engagement , because students can participate in planning and evaluating their own learning process.
    • Increase learning effectiveness , because students can choose learning strategies that suit their learning styles and needs.
    • Improving learning outcomes , because students can measure their progress and achievements according to predetermined criteria.
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How to Make a Flow of Learning Objectives?

To create a flow of learning objectives, there are several steps that can be followed, namely:
    • Determine learning objectives , taking into account the curriculum, competency standards, and student needs. Learning objectives must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-limited (SMART).
    • Determine achievement criteria , by selecting an assessment tool that is appropriate to the learning objectives. Achievement criteria must be clear, objective, fair, and consistent.
    • Determine learning strategies , by choosing methods or ways that can help students achieve learning goals. Learning strategies must be varied, interactive, interesting, and meaningful.

Example of Learning Objectives Flow

The following is an example of a flow of learning objectives for grade 7 natural sciences about the human digestive system:
Learning objectives Achievement Criteria Learning strategies
Students can explain the function and structure of the organs in the human digestive system. Students can answer multiple choice questions about the function and structure of the organs in the human digestive system correctly at least 80%. Students observe pictures of the human digestive system and listen to the teacher’s explanation. Students discuss in groups about the function and structure of the organs in the human digestive system.
Students can identify problems that can occur in the human digestive system and how to prevent them. Students can make posters about problems that can occur in the human digestive system and how to prevent them creatively and informatively. Students seek information from books, the internet, or other sources about problems that can occur in the human digestive system and how to prevent them. Students make posters in groups and present them in front of the class.
This is an explanation of the flow of learning objectives and how to make them. Hopefully this article is useful and can help friends. Summarized in learning more effectively and efficiently. If you have questions or feedback regarding this article, please write in the comments column below. Thank you and see you in the next article!
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