5 Microsoft Excel Functions You Must Know

Hello, Diringkas friend! Do you often use Microsoft Excel in your work or daily activities? If yes, then you must be familiar with the various functions offered by this data processing application. However, if you are still a beginner or want to improve your skills in using Excel, then this article is for you. In this article, we will discuss 5 functions of Microsoft Excel that you must know and understand. These functions are very useful to help you process data more easily, quickly and accurately. Let’s see together!

1. SUM function

The SUM function is the most basic and frequently used function in Excel. This function is used to add up the values in a certain range of cells. For example, if you wanted to add up the sales values from January to March, you could use the formula =SUM(B2:B4), where B2:B4 is the range of cells that contain the sales values. For an example like the image below.

2. IF function

The IF function is a function used to create logical conditions in Excel. This function checks whether a condition is met or not, then returns a value that matches the result of that check. For example, if you wanted to determine whether a student passed or failed based on test scores, you could use the formula =IF(C2>=75,”Pass”,”Failed”), where C2 is the cell containing the test scores and 75 is the grade minimum to pass. The IF function can be used with a very broad range of conditions, so please make the most of it and be as creative as possible! Here’s an example.
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3. VLOOKUP function

The VLOOKUP function is a function used to search and retrieve data from a table based on certain criteria. This function is very useful if you have large and complex data, and want to display only certain data. For example, if you have an employee data table that contains name, title, salary, and bonuses, and you want to display the salary and bonuses of a specific employee by name, you can use the formula =VLOOKUP(D2,A2:E10,4,FALSE) , where D2 is the cell containing the name of the employee being searched for, A2:E10 is the range of cells containing the employee data table, 4 is the column number containing the salary, and FALSE is the argument indicating that the search must be exact.

4. COUNTIF function

The COUNTIF function is a function used to count the number of cells that meet certain criteria in a range of cells. This function is useful for analyzing data statistically, such as calculating the number of students who pass, the number of products sold, or the number of satisfied customers. For example, if you wanted to count the number of students who passed a math test, you could use the formula =COUNTIF(C2:C20,”Pass”), where C2:C20 is the range of cells that contains the students’ passing status and “Pass” is the criteria to look for.

5. CONCATENATE function

The CONCATENATE function is a function used to combine two or more texts into one text. This function is useful for making text more informative and easy to read, such as creating a complete address from a street name, house number, city, and zip code. For example, if you wanted to create a complete address from the data in columns A through D, you could use the formula =CONCATENATE(A2,” “,B2,”, “,C2,” “,D2), where A2:D2 is the range cells that contain address data.
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Those are 5 functions of Microsoft Excel that you must know. By learning and mastering these functions, you can increase your productivity and efficiency in processing data using Excel. Hopefully this article is useful and helps you. If you have questions, suggestions or criticism, please write in the comments column below. Thank you for reading this article to the end. See you in the next article!
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